From Under The Porch

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Thalia sat down at the table in her family's kitchen, where both her parents, Fran and Charlie were in a panicked skirmish

"Are you sure she's okay? I'm getting more and more worried each day!" Fran panicked while Charlie desperately tried to calm her down. Even though he was just as stressed.

"Don't worry....there's still time!" Charlie said while pushing his wire-rimmed glasses back into place. His attempts completely failed to reassure Fran in the slightest.

"IT'S BEEN NEARLY  TWO WEEKS, CHARLIE! If we haven't found Luna now, then when will we?" Fran screeched.

Luna, Luna,'s always about Luna... Thalia thought to herself spitefully. For the past two weeks, her younger sister was all that her parents talked about. But this wasn't exactly new. Even before she went missing, Thalia's six year old sister was always the center of attention. With her little blonde curls and her bubbly personality, she was impossible not to like. Then there was Thalia, the underwhelming embarrassment. The ten year old girl who still got jealous of her little sister.

Thalia thought that somehow, the disappearance of her sister would lower her popularity with her parents. However, the exact opposite occurred. Luna was talked about so much, she was basically a celebrity. Although she would never say it out loud, Thalia despised her little sister. Fran and Charlie continued to panic over the missing princess.
"Do you think someone took her? Do you think she got lost? Maybe she's with someone we know! Maybe she ran away! Oh god, what do you think happened to our daughter?" Fran screamed on the verge of tears.
Thalia didn't dare to speak over her raging parents. Even though her eleventh birthday was in only a few weeks. But she still felt like she should try anyway.
"" Thalia mumbled. Her feeble words were completely overshadowed by how loud her parents were being.
"Uh....Mom....." she said a bit louder this time, but she still wasn't heard.
"MOM!" Thalia shouted. This time, both her parents fell completely silent and turned to her. They seemed angry and shocked at the same time.
"Uhh.....sooo.... my....umm, birthday... is in a.... few weeks...and-"
"-Thalia! Are you serious?!" Fran said, cutting her daughter short, furiously.
"How could you possibly be thinking of yourself at a time like this?!" Charlie shouted, angrily. "Your sister might be dead for all we know and you're worried about a damn birthday party!"
Thalia bowed her head down to the ground in shame while her parents berated her.
"You know what-get out of my sight! I don't want to see you for the rest of the day!" Thalia shouted.
Thalia darted out of the kitchen, trying desperately to choke back her tears. Her straight, dark brown hair flowed as she ran.
With absolutely no where else to go, Thalia ran to her back door and headed outside.
The clouds outside looked as gloomy as she was. Still running, she raced next to her porch, and sat down in the grass.
Thalia or her face in her hands and started to cry uncontrollably.
After a few minutes of sobbing and feeling sorry for herself, Thalia turned around to face the underside of her porch. Underneath the porch was empty space with concrete slabs lying the ground.
Thalia hooked her hands onto the bottom of one of the concrete slabs and pulled it up. Revealing a large hole with incredibly sinister contents.
Lying in the hole was was cold, dead body of Thalia's little sister, Luna.
Her once- pristine hair looked matted and her small fingernails were crowded with dirt. The "perfect" child was now filthy and lying dead in the ground. Thalia couldn't have felt happier.
Thalia crouched down and put her mouth next to Luna's ear and whispered:

"I just can't seem to get rid of you..."

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