Emotional tears

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I have only cried really hard two times in my life.

One: Was when I was in 7th grade (?) I believe and it was when my cat Mina died. It was heart breaking for me and I still start crying when someone brings her up and it hurts alot. I dont think i will ever get over her since she was the only cat I will probably ever love with all of my heart.

The second thing was about 5 minutes ago.
I had these online friends that I've known for awhile. And I realized when I logged onto Skype that I hadn't talked to them in a year.
I thought I'd be funny and say something along the lines of "damn it's been a whole year since I've talked to you guys. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys don't remember me"
And not even a second later my olf friend CJ said
"WOLF! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! WE HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH" and when I read that I just broke down crying. I never thought I end up crying over someone I hadn't talked to in a long time but I've had so many great memories with them and all of the memories came flying at me all at once and I just couldn't stop it.

Save to say. I'll probably only cry on family and friends no matter how much I see them...

and if anyone I haven't talked to in awhile.
I just want you to know is I care so much about you and if you ever remember me. Come talk to me....

Bye bye

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