The Bump In

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Millie's POV-

Me and Sadie just sit there bonding in Sweet Frog. "So where did you move from?" She asks. "Oh I moved from Orlando, Florida!" "Wow, I've always wanted to go there! What's it like?" Orlando was really fun and awesome but I don't want her to think Hawkins is lame compared to Orlando. "Well, it's ok, Not the best but it's livable." I hated lying to my new friend. "Oh wow I thought it would be nicer then that." Awkward. "Hey, so me and my friends are all going to this weird school party tonight. So I was wondering if you would like to go with us?" Wow I might have just made my first friend since I've been here. Calm down Millie don't sound too desperate. " Uh Yeah I do." Nice going Millie. "Ok, well it will be nice to not be the only girl in our party!" I look at her confused. Party? Only girl? Are they all boys? "Oh yeah I usually hang out with boys, I don't have a lot of girlfriends." She admits. "That's okay you have me now and we're friends." I respond. " Well I have to go back to work. Here take my number and I will text you when the party starts." She says while typing in her number on my phone. "Okay that's great, see you then Sadie and Thank you! Your ice cream is delicious!!" I say. "Oh thanks! See you later. The guys will be so excited to meet you!" She says. I get up and walk to throw my ice cream away and before walking out the door I yell "BYE SADIE SINKKK!" I walk to my car laughing my butt off.

*5 mins later*

I arrive at my house and I get out of my car. I check my phone and the time says 3:15 pm. Wow I was gone for 2 hours, felt like 2 minutes. I walk up to he mailbox and check the mail for any letters from my friends. Nothing. When I turn around I got tackled to the ground by a boy on a skateboard. He runs over to my side as my arm is bleeding. "Shit, are you okay?" He asks.  My vision is kind of blurry so I can't see well. "Yeah, I'm fine I think?" The boy sighs in relief. He asks if I need anything, I say I don't but thank you. He quickly picks up his board and scurried off. I really couldn't see his face at all, Man my vision is blurry! I quickly run inside and up the stairs. I quickly text Sadie what happened.

Millie: Sadie, this guy on a skateboard bumped into me. I have no idea who it was because my vision is super blurry.
Sadie: Wow, That's weird. Are you ok?
Millie: Yeah, I will be fine. What time is the school party?
Sadie: Um at 8:30. Is that ok?
Millie: Yep, perfect. See you there.
Sadie: Ok.

I quickly unpack the rest of my stuff, and tried to find a outfit to wear tonight. My mind kept on thinking of the guy on the skateboard. He seemed nice, I wish I could've saw him.

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Thank you for reading. I love all of you
-Love S💕

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