Bad Liar/ Riverdale

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FANDOM : Riverdale 


CATEGORY : Love Novel  

TITLE :  Bad Liar  

TAKE PLACE IN : season one and season two 

NAME : Naomie Blossom

AGE : 26 years  

FACE CLAIM : Emma Stone

                                                                         Cast : 

                                                             Emma Stone as Naomie Blossom

                                                             Emma Stone as Naomie Blossom

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                                                                     Skeet Ulrich as Fp Jones

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Summary : 

Naomie Blossom was the big sister of the twin Blossom- You're not like Blossom- How can you know that you do not know me- That's exactly where you all have fake I know you better than anyone

- How can you love me?- Naomie you are not like the other girl you are beautiful, intelligent, funny, kind and you help your friends even if you should be hurt and I fall in love with your smile and your head up in the air- But I'm a Blossom !!!- You're not really Blossom, you're the most generous Blossom I've ever known and the one I'm in love with

Naomie Blossom & Fp Jones

Prologue :

This is the story of a city, a small town and people who live in this city at first sight it looks like a lot of other small towns around the world on worthy innocent but closer we perceive very quickly these shadows and secrets, our city is called RiverdaleI 

guess our story starts because the twins Blossom did that summer on dawn National Day. Jason and Cheryl Blossom went for a morning boat ride in the Sweetwater River

- Are you scared Jason? asked Cheryl 

Jason made a negative sign of the head

And all we really get after is that Dilton Doiley, who took the Riverdale scoots troupe to see the birds, fell on Cheryl by the river.

- Jason .... said Cheryl

 Riverdale police swept the river in search of Jason's body but never found it.  

So the next week, the Blossom family buried an empty coffin and Jason's death was classified as accidental, Cheryl's version began to furrow, she would drop a glove into the water Jason would try to fish him he would have done capsize the boat, he would panic and drown

When we were still talking about the tragedy of the national holiday, the last day of vacancy when a new mystery landed in the city.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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