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When I woke up, Kirstie was snuggled up to me. I guess she did that in her sleep. I smiled at her cuteness. I could feel her warming up though, so I kissed her head and carefully got out of bed. I went into the kitchen and pulled out some ice. After putting all of our ice into a few gallon bags, I brought them back into the bedroom and put them around Kirstie. One pressed against her right hip, one pressed against her left thigh, and the other was in the crook of her neck.

 She could've just showered, but I didn't want to disturb her. I went into the living room and turned on SpongeBob. I was enjoying the episode when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and looked out the peephole to see... Scott. Shit! I hadn't learned how to change my hair and skin tone yet.

"Just a second!" I called through the door. I ran into the bedroom and shook Kirstie frantically. "Kirstie," I said when she was up. "Scott's here. I need you to change my appearance." 

She nodded and got out of bed, changing both of our looks. I ran into the bathroom and put in my contacts, and then went to open the door. Kirstie went in the bathroom and shut the door. I guess to put her contacts in. "Hey Scott." I said.

"Hey man. I brought you donuts." He said. I smiled and invited him in. Kirstie came out of the bathroom and smiled at Scott.

"Oh, hi!" She said, as if she hadn't known he was here. She sat on the couch as I followed Scott into the kitchen.

"You two seem happy," he commented.

"I know where you're going with this." I smirked. He chuckled and set the donuts down on the counter.

"Come on Michelle, admit it." 

"I'm good." I said, taking a chocolate donut with sprinkles for Kirstie and a glazed donut for me. I went back in the living room and handed her the donut. When I sat next to her, she planted three kisses along my jaw line as thanks.

"Woah, guys, if I'm not wanted, I'll leave." Scott joked, walking in with a donut. He sat down on the couch and we watched SpongeBob. I suddenly felt like we were in high school again. Kirstie and I had dated in high school. I almost forgot about that. 

Kirstie finished her donut and curled her feet up on the couch, resting her head on my shoulder. Scott jokingly did the same. I rolled my eyes and continued eating my donut.

It was mornings like these that made me love my life.

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