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*Two months later* (Nine Months!!)

"Fuck!" I groaned. I was lying on the couch. The baby was kicking and generally giving me hell. She was due any day now, so Esther and Scott were running around the house making last minute preparations. Kevin was keeping an eye on me and trying to keep me happy. Avi was playing chef. "Kevin, get this thing the fuck out of me!"

"Kirst, be patient." Scott said. He had just finished hanging the last of the decorations in the nursery, and was sitting in the armchair next to the couch.

"Shut the fuck up Scott!" I snapped. He put his hands up in surrender

"Mitch, come tame your girlfriend!" The blonde yelled.

"Ohhhhh..." I groaned. I felt an extra hard kick. "This stupid thing is killing me!"

"Maybe you're going into labor?" Esther suggested.

"No, they're just fake-" I stopped. "Ow! Ow ow ow!" I screamed. "Hospital, now, operation labor! Water, broken, contractions, go go go!" 

"Mitch!" Scott yelled. Kevin helped me up and aided me as I waddled over to the door, huffing and puffing so hard that I could blow down the fucking brick house. "It's time; get your ass in here!"

Mitch was suddenly at my side. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. Esther, Scott, and Avi followed behind us. Mitch helped me into the car and slid in next to me. Kevin sat up front and Scott drove. Esther hopped into her car with Avi and we took off. "Breathe, Kirst, breathe!" Kevin was trying to coach me. 

"Are you certified to help me?" I panted.

"Well, I'm not a doctor, but I went to-" 

"So help me, if you say you went to Yale, I will go ape shit!" I yelled. Kevin shut up.

Scott drove to the clinic and I was rushed inside. Before I even realized what was happening, I was in a hospital gown and laid down on a bed. A doctor was looking up in my... area... and Mitch was standing next to me and holding my hand. "Where the fuck is my mo-" I groaned, but I was cut short by a cry of pain. Ow, fuck these contractions! 

Anyway, my parents got in last night, and they were supposed to be here! "They're on their way," Mitch said as I squeezed his hand with the strength of Jackie Chang. "Ow! What the fuck are you, the Hulk?"

"Not... funn...y" I huffed. 

"Kirstie, I'm going to need you to push!" The doctor said. I cried out in pain and pushed as hard as I possibly could. Sweat rolled down my cheeks. "That's good, Kirstie."

"I don't... feel good..." I grunted as another contraction ripped through me. 

"Push!" The doctor said. I pushed.

This cycle continued for a while, and then someone said "I see its forehead!" 

"You're doing great, Kirstie. Push!" The doctor ordered. I did as told.

It hurt like hell.

All the sudden, my mom burst through the door. "Took you long enough!" I shouted. She rushed over and ushered Mitch out the door, saying something about him not wanting to see this. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it harder than I had squeezed Mitch's.

I pushed again, and again, and again, and... well, you get the gist. This went on for hours, although I lost track of exactly how long it had been. And then I heard a baby crying. They cut the umbilical cord and took it to clean it up. "Kirstin," the doctor said. She handed me my baby. "You are the mother of a beautiful baby girl. Seven pounds and eighteen ounces."

"Autumn..." I whispered. She was beautiful. "Get Mitch?" I asked my mom. She nodded and went out of the room. Mitch burst through the door and rushed over to me.

"You're a mom," he smiled at me. "And she's beautiful." 

"You're a dad." I said. But then I turned my attention back to Autumn. She was very pale, like me. Well, my Elemental self. "Open your eyes for mommy..." I murmured. And she did. One was dark orange, like Mitch's. But the other...

Was icy blue. 


A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNN. So before I continue, I want to stop and thank the lovely @ptxgirwaffles for helping me with the last few chapters. I had no idea how pregnancies and birth went, so she coached me through it. So... yeah. Hope y'all enjoyed! Peace! :3

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