Technical difficulties

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This is my new intro I might change it so it wont get old like her last words and suicide hotline , the zombie song


Our love story could be kinda gory far from boring we meet at a post apocalypse I'd be slowly blah blah blah


ALSOOOOOOO these songs called this is Halloween

and guns and ships that I just found lol if you know what creepypasta is you'll probably know what happened to Toby

Hehehe every time it says Hamilton and Quagmire or somthing I say Toby of jeff  hehehe well yes I have been having small difficulties with Wattpad
I can't get any notification like my ringtone wont let me know Idk how to like explain sooo yeah any way yeah I'll probably go 123 outro every time yeah I'll change that too at some point
So yeah I think I got cleared up also I can't get any notification for my messages from Wattpad soo that's why I haven't been messaging right after like i I soo sooo yeah byeee



Also send meh truths or dares



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