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Namjoon's POV

The Next Morning

Jin's bed is so soft and comfortable. I want to stay here forever...

I cuddled up next to Jin, and I felt his soothing warmth. He put his arm around me and I started drifting back to sleep. But then I heard him scream. My eyes shot open, and he looked at me in terror. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. He looked at me for a few more seconds, and finally spoke up.



I tried to say "What?", but only a small meow escaped.

I covered my mouth in confusion, but... My hand wasn't a hand, and neither was my other hand.... They were....., paws.

I screeched out of confusion and terror. Jin picked me up to try and calm me down, by petting me.

I had never been petted by anyone besides my parents. I had forgotten what it felt like. It feels really nice. I calmed down and leaned into his touch. I soon started purring, something that also hasn't happened in years.

I was shocked at first, but I just let it happen. He started to stroke my tail and scratched my ears too. Then he sped up his strokes. My purring started to get uncontrollable and louder. I leaned more into his touch for more pleasure. My heart was beating at an incredibly unhealthy pace.

"You're so cute, Joonie~"

Jin cooed as he slowed his pace.

I lazily laid in his lap, and just embraced his touch.

There was suddenly a knock at the door. Startled, I ran behind Jin and just stared at the door with fear.

"It's open!"

Jin held on to my paw in order to comfort me.

The door opened and Yoongi came in, followed by Jimin.

"Hyung, what's wrong??? Why did you-, scream...?"

Yoongi saw me and stared at me confused.

"JIN-HYUNG!! WE CAN'T FIND JOO-, nie....."

Jimin then saw me and stared at me too.

Apparently, they were looking for me. I whimpered as I started to hide behind Jin again. I don't like being stared at...

"Hyung..., when did you get a cat?"

"And how come you never told us..?"

Yoongi and Jimin questioned him.

Jin picked me up and brought me back into his lap. He stroked my chin to calm me again. I looked at Jimin and Yoongi.

"I didn't tell you because I don't have a cat. This is Joonie"

He explained, smiling.

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