Chapter #2 - Hide The Pain

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Warm tears of despair ran down Link's bruised cheeks, he had slapped and punched himself several times, the saddest thing was not that, but the fact that none of the Zoran nurses who tended to clean his wounds dared to ask about it. He kept on crying, yet amidst the negative flow there was a light, a positive thought. Link never really had it in him to stay in hospitals, for his task required agility and strength, he needed to persevere... No matter how much it could hurt. He took a deep breath and admired the ocean-like walls of his room, they had very pretty blue tints. The Zora did steal a special place on his heart when it came to hospitality, not that he would ever complain.

The room was dimly lit, maybe the nurses thought he'd have an easier time sleeping that way. In reality Link hated darkness, in all shapes. It's quite funny for a guy to fight monsters, to slay mighty beasts, and yet reveal that their worst fear lies simply in what others would consider childish. Link's solemn expression filled the cool room with what some would consider negative energies, at this he wished the leader of the pack would have not missed his heart. Death sounds more like proper rest, sleep just sounds like a waste of time.

Link did not want to do anything but close his eyes and think... What has been my mistake goddess? What has been my sin? I do not want to contemplate more suffering, I do not wish to take the last breath of others... No matter what they are. I have yet to find happiness in my existence, Goddess, I have yet to find my purpose.

He sighed softly and stared up at the ceiling of the room. A small candelabra hanged from the top, most of its candles were not lit. With exhausted groans and extenuated movements Link had finally managed to lean his upper body against the wall, he winced every time he moved. Once he tried to stand up on his own feet he gasped as the pain on his chest slowly crawled through his spine, sending the hero with slightly-parted lips into a panting state. "Ah! G-goddess..." Link trailed off as he misplaced his hand and fell from his bed, causing Link to cry out in agony.

He did not fall from the sky, he did not commit anything reckless, he just attempted to stand on his feet. They say that to contemplate frailty you must be undergoing through a life-changing situation, yet it seems that for Link to contemplate his own mortality it only required a small push, a simple mistake. "Damn it! H-heavens... Ough." Link suppressed his groaning as best as he could, he did not want anyone to find out about this. They shouldn't, no one should see him like that. 

Link clenched his fists against his abdomen, he caught his hands feeling moisturized by a warm fluid. He stood up once again, he staggered as he walked over towards his trusty sword inclined against the wall. He grabbed it by the blade, perhaps a little bit too hard, for he found two long yet small cuts depth-wise on his left hand. Laying against the wall, Link finally had time to take off his blue tunic and observe that a large part of his chest was covered with bandages. They were a pure white hue before that damnable fluid he had yet to accustom to stained it, he could only suppose he opened his wound once again with that fall... Genius, Link said to himself.

His legs finally gave out, he could not resist any longer, he gave in to the pain and fell on his butt. He was now the one laying against the wall, panting. After laying against the wall for quite a while now, Link started to take sharp breaths, he attempted to calm down, he managed to stop sobbing... He looked at his abdomen once again, the crimson fluid had managed to spread over most of his bandaged chest, Link chuckled softly in pain.

"I-I really must be an idiot, t-to fall for such a little thing..." Link tailed off sadly. He gazed once again at the candelabra, he noticed something, one of the candles had burned out. He was upset at the fact that he could die right now if no one found. He still had to bid the Prince and the others goodbye. Dying like this would be selfish, he thought to himself. It would also be stupid as well, wouldn't it? Link chuckled at his own comment, yet he whimpered involuntarily. Laughing hurts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2017 ⏰

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