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What does he mean ? ..
'youll tell me or i will tell you ? .. '

P' Dont make fuss anymore , tell me frankly what is this all about ? .. Im so confused and scared right now , I dont have any clue at all ..

"Okay !! .. So you want me to start this huh !! .. It seems that you are relly good in hiding secrets .. So let me start uhmmm .. Lets start with the day we hangout !! the six of us .. Can you tell me what you noticed ?

Notice ? to whom ? ..

"Damn it !!! Are you nuts !! Offcourse its with your Ittipat !!!!!!! ..

Wait who ? .. P'Godt !?????????

Shit ! I have a bad feelings with this .. I didnt expect that this confrontation is all about me and P'Godt. Shit ! Im a dead meat right now , Im not good at lying how can i answer or atleast transition this conversation ..

"oh !! What happend ? why you looked so tense right now ? .. And you did not even fight with me after i said ''Its with your Ittipat'' !! .. So obvious Nong ..

Uh !! uhm what about P'Godt ? .. I cant get it ..

"Okay !!! Still want to resist to answer me directly ah !! .. uhm .. So lets do this ,...

Ive been your bestfriend since Wayo and Mingkwan days .. I can feel or understand your actions , you know that right ? . So ive been seeing this changes to Ai'Godt last weeks before the last tapings for the serie ..

Ouhh ! About that ........

''oooopsss dont interrupt ! let me finish first youll have your time to tell me your side .. Okay ..

Khortod .. P' ..

"hmmm . I can see your confusion everytime P'Godt approached you offcam , I can see that nong !! . And actually not just me but the 4 of us can see that changes .. even if you ask NCop , NTee and Ptae they can say something about this .
Before everytime we make some fun things about you and Ai'Godt most of the time he will just laugh or smile , just to leave us the impression that he is not a kill joy ..

But !!!!! Just recently , everytime we bully the both of you , most of the time he always ride on to the topic which is very different from before right ? . And the best part is he is making it more intense .. So what do you think ? are you gonna tell me that i am just overreacting or youll tell me everything that i should know ? ..
Speak now ...

Uhm .. First of all P' Yea i cant deny that something has changed , P'Godt is very different now from the P'Godt before .. I can say maybe it is because hes now more comf'table with us unlike before , And let me ask you this .. P' !! Why your watching me ? Huh ? Why do you know all of this ? Dont you have other things to do ? Aside from watching my back ?

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