27. GoodMorning

783 59 10


(TOK.. ! TOK... ! TOK ... !!!)


Come in Ma !! ..

The door ! Its locked Son !

Chaiii Ma !! .. raw suk kroo krup !!

Ugh ! Still early .. I still want to sleep !
Whats with Ma ? . Ugh !!!!!!

Sawadee Ma .. 🙏 How can I help you ?

"Oho ! Sleep walker ? How are you able to reach the door while your eyes are closed ? .. Huh ? ..

Wait ? What ? Yea I am guilty I really roam aroud my room even with my eyes closed .. Hello !! This is my room ofcourse ! ! But earlier its Ma whose knocking on the door and know why im hearing a guy in front of me ? and that voice .. .....

P'Godt !!!!!!!!! .. Shiyaaaa !! ..

Good thing I am wearing a long shirt !

What ? wait ? Why are you here ? P' ? ..

"Why do you have to shout Bas ? . Your sister is still sleeping . And wheres your manners ? Its your P' ? right ?

Oh .. Uhmmmm Khortod Ma Khortod jingjing . 🙏 Sawadee !! P'Godt !!!!!! ..
your Nong wants to give respect .. !!!
Sawadee !!! ..

While my eyes are rolling Hahaha !

"Good !! .. Hes been here for an hour now Bas , He dont want to wake you earlier since its still too early , But now its already 5am so maybe you can wake na nong . If you dont mind ..

Chaii Krup !! ..  Thanks for waking me up Ma !! .. 😘😘 Ill just put my pajama on .. for a while....

"Oh uhm Nong ! Ill leave you here in Bas room Okay ! I need to do some stuff in the kitchen Nong , I dont want you to be alone Okay .. And dont let nong Bas touch the bed again , please ! Cause if thay happends he will fall in a deep sleep for sure . He might use his eyes to please you but dont let him okay ! .

Ma !! What was that ? .. Why do you have to whisper to P'Godts ears ? ..
What was that about ?..

"Oh that was nothing Nong ! Ma was just asking if I had taken my breakfast already ..

Uhm Ma ! . Yea coffee and buttered bread I love it .. Khobjaina .

"Hey nong ! I  told you to sleep early right ? .. Look at you ! You looked likr a baby panda ! That dark circles around your eyes ! Your eyebags !! What did you do last night huh ? ..

Uh !! Uhmm Uh actually .. Uhmm After i spoke to P'Godt on the phone last night . I played a little on my phone , however i wasnt able to notice the time Thats why  I slept kinda late Ma . Sorry ...

"See ! Next time I will confiscate your phone !! So that you can sleep on time ..

Nong Godt ! Can you do me a favor ?
At work can you look after my son ? Confiscate hes phone when its free time so that he can focus on hes work .. Okay !!

Ma ! .. Oho ... !!

NO !! Look at you !! Your loosing your pretty face because instead of having enough sleep you chose to play on your phone .. So,  No Dont ! Thats eyes dont have any effect to me right now ..

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