Ch 7 his tale

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Shawn POV
Standing their with her enveloped in my arms I felt compelled to start a fairytale. So up I subconsciously started.
Nyra your birthday is January 26. On that day u were born into this world under the guiding light of the Aquarius. U were foretold a happy life a long life. But lady fate decided not to give u ur destiny straight away. So she set u on a little detour, she gave u an oppressed life, all on the hopes of making ur future more valuable.

Nyra POV
As I listened to his words I thought how does he know all this. Does he really care abt me. Is he really saving me. I pushed those questions to the back of my head and continued to listen to his words.

Shawn POV
I have no clue where this is coming from but my heart kept telling me to carry on so I did.
When an Aquarius woman falls in love, it is said that she will follow her feelings for as long as she is unrestricted and free to be herself. The unconscious fear of losing her personality to other people often makes her vulnerable to any sort of expectations and tries to turn her into something she is not. Still, in almost every Aquarius woman's life comes a time to "grow up" and realize that a certain amount of love should be enough for her to have a family, raise children and take care of her husband. This is probably the hardest thing for her to do, and a decision like this should be respected and understood as the ultimate act of love, even when it seems entirely rational.

Nyra POV
How shawn. How are you reading me so easily. How. No ones ever understood me this deeply yet here u are a complete stranger yet ur reading me so easily. How...

Shawn POV
I don't know why I'm even saying anymore but my tongue has a mind of its own and it seems like I need to submit to its will. So I continue...
She needs a partner who is interesting enough and doesn't care much about the taboos of modern society. If she wants to show her sexuality in a certain way, she will probably do that in spite of everyone's opinion and not at all subtly. Her rational mind will in most cases keep her from making scenes, but she is very interested in all sorts of sexual experiments and this includes outdoor sex and sometimes the display of intimacy in the strangest places you can imagine. She shouldn't be with a narrow minded man or anyone who perceives her as unladylike.

Nyra POV
Damn it Shawn you perv, how the fuck in the nine levels of hell did u know that. I know that if I see my face now it's gonna be redder than a cherry tomato

Shawn POV
This was basically everything I felt. Every thing I knew. It just felt right to tell this now.

She is exciting, unpredictable, and not someone to choose to be with, if you are searching for a stable, secure relationship without waves and emotional challenges. She doesn't like to be tied down, although she will do anything for the right partner, and unless she feels her biological clock ticking, she will not give in to the formal expectations of a relationship. The most important thing one should keep in mind when starting a relationship with this woman, is that she can be swept off her feet only by respect and a surprise or two in return.
The sign of Aquarius represents an opposition and it is not easy for this woman to settle the conflict she carries within, that always tells her respect needs to be earned. She might never realize that respect is her given right and that she doesn't need to fight for it all the time. Her biggest challenge is in finding inner, emotional peace, and when she gets hurt too many times, she easily closes her heart and moves on with her life from a strictly rational point.
Did you also know that my sign is Leo. Leo the lion.
The attraction is always great in relationships of opposing signs, and it is probably the greatest in a relationship of Leo and Aquarius. Leo is the king of the entire zodiac, and Aquarius seems to be there to bring down the king and fight for independence. Imagine the attraction and the passion between two such strong individuals.

I lean in close to her ear subconsciously and rest my chin on her shoulder and continue,

Their sex life is a struggle, a fight and an incredible experience for both. Liberating and yet warm and passionate, sensual but still interesting. When they find true emotion, Aquarius might actually end up respecting the king. The beauty of their sex life is in things they can learn about their bodies, their confidence and the way they look at the act of sex. Through the struggle of insecurities and forced liberation, these are two partners to form a strong connection by a simple act of gravitation that the Sun has over Uranus.
Nyra POV
Holy fuck I blush harder if that's even possible. Here I am a complete stranger cuddled next to shawn mendes. And he's basically telling me abt my sex life. Holy fuck

Shawn POV
Nyra Marki u are the only one in the last 14 years of my life that has made me feel complete. I used to always go on stage or just plainly life my life feeling like an empty shell. When I read your letter it made me feel less empty. It made me feel less hollow. If you ask me why I brought you on my tour with me my answer would be that I don't know. Plain and simple I don't know, I guess u truly filled my soul to a point that I needed u to feel complete.
I turn her around to face me, I notice that even in the dim light her deep blush is highlighted beautifully on her face,
I ask her. Will u accompany me on my tour?
Nyra POV
I look up at his expectant face and thought abt it, I heard him say,
If you don't want to then it's ok. I'll tell the captain to take you back immediately after my first show.
He cared so much, his sincerity when he told me abt myself made me melt. It was then that I knew my answer. So I replied. Shawn my answer is...........

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