1: Thinking

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Did you know that a lot of people gossip in hospitals? 

It surprises me every I hear someone say something rude or mean about other patients or even their own children, but that last one is very rare and once it does happen it's usually about school or that they have no faith that whoever is laying on the hospital bed will actually make it.

Sometimes I hear people pass me and say: 'I wonder which drugs he took to get in a coma.'

Like really? That's the first thing that comes to mind? "oh look it's a teenager, well then he must have done some illegal shit to get here."

Just for your information, I wasn't doing anything wrong before this happened. It wasn't even remotely my fault. But I guess people are stupid judgmental pieces of shit. Excuse my French.

It's somewhat disappointing to realize that you didn't really have true friends. That might have been the one thought I have thought most about during this time that I can't move, or speak, or freaking react to anything! I always thought my best friends would have my back and stay but after just one month they already gave up. My parents are both workaholics and never really paid attention to me so that explains that. I never had any siblings which in this case might be best so I wouldn't have to suffer from the pain of knowing that even the people closest to me probably wouldn't come to visit me.

What I have come to realize in this time is that I should find some better friends because geez, mine suck. Before the accident I had just broken up with my one year girlfriend after I found her cheating on me with some random dude I didn't know. I think she thought that this was the worlds best karma: for me to be in a coma and possibly die.

You would think that after having every one disappoint and leave me, I would give up and stop fighting but that's where you're wrong.

I was the quarterback for a reason: I'm the most determined person you will probably ever meet and now I'm determined to prove all those idiots wrong.

Even after 18 months.

Sure that part discourages me, even in the slightest bit, it still does. But then I hear these doctors running around, telling their colleagues about that one kid that won the battle against cancer. Or the anorexic girl that had gained five pounds. It really makes you appreciate what these doctors do for you. So no, I don't want to give up. I want to make them proud. I want the kid next door, who is also in a coma, to hear the story about that one high schooler who didn't have anyone who would visit him, but still woke up, just to give him hope. The one where he was in a coma for so long that everyone had given up hope.

I want to make the other kids smile, the nurses wear a big grin for the rest of the day and the doctor be able to make a call and start of with: 'I have good news ma'am' instead of having to say: 'your son has been reacting the same to the medicines just like that last year and a half.' That's what I want to do. That's what I strive for.


Yesterday I heard that there was a new volunteer, a girl about my age so 18, maybe a year younger. I didn't catch anything after that because the nurses had already walked beyond my hearing radius. I wonder what she does? Some volunteers help with the little kids, others with the people that have to deal with life threatening sicknesses. She might get put in the teen section. That would be nice, to have a new voice around here, unless she has one of those really high pitched, bitchy voices. Maybe she was forced to do some volunteering by her parents and she really doesn't want to be here. That would suck. I have had to deal with one of those once and let me tell you, it's not fun. Thankfully she got to leave after two weeks. She thought I was hot apparently and would always try to sneak into my room without anyone knowing so she could straddle me to try to get a reaction, if you know what I mean. Thank the Lord that she left because that might have been the worst two weeks of my life.

I hope the new girl isn't like that and at least acts like a decent human being. I wonder if I'll ever meet her.


hi person reading this! 

thank you for choosing this book! i really hope you guys like the concept of it and will give it a shot. again i am very sorry that i discontinued the other stories but if someone wants to continue them on their account, please contact me and i will tell my readers to  g to your account for the rest of the story once i think you have a good plan for them.

anyways back to this story. i will be writing the entire thing in Kyle's point of view unless it is said differently at the top.

bye my beautiful unicorns!

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