2: Meeting Her

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Today I "woke up" because someone was bending my legs. I didn't wake up from the coma but I started to hear stuff again. The girl was humming softly, but at first I didn't recognize the song. She started to whisper the lyrics and I finally realized what song it was: "Hold On" by Chord Overstreet.

When she came to the chorus the started to get louder, but you could clearly hear the hesitation in her voice. Her voice was beautiful. She had complete control of it and could manipulate it in ways I've never heard before. She seemed to think that I couldn't hear her which I was thankful for because that meant that she would continue. Her voice sadly came to an abrupt stop right after I had thought that. I heard a doctor come in and immediately recognized her voice as that of nurse Bowen. Bowen was mumbling to the girl but I couldn't make out what she was saying. They slowly walked out the door so they could talk in private so I continued being bored.

A couple minutes after that I heard the door open again and a rough and raspy voice came to my ears, it sounded as if she had just woken up but I loved it : 'Hey. I was told that you could hear me so I thought it must be bored here.' That is correct. 'So I thought I would talk to you.' Well this should be interesting.

'I wonder what it's like to be in a coma. I mean isn't it the worlds most annoying to not be able to respond? I'm sorry if I'm annoying you but I just want to keep you company.'

I am completely fine with that.

'Today I had three tests on the same day, THREE! Like hello? Do they not understand that they are making us sleep-deprived teens, even more sleep-deprived and depressed? They where kind of easy but I never like to expect anything, that way life is more beautiful. Oh god I sound like some weird ass poet.'

And I loved it.

After hearing her complain about her day and her three tests for about ten minutes I suppose she thought that she was talking to much so she started mumbling to herself about how weird she must sound. But in all reality, I could hear her talk about that one stupid question on the test for the entire day. It was refreshing to finally have someone to talk to you or just to stay there longer than five minutes.

'You better not judge me for my music but I love Paramore and Pan!c at the disco I mean, come on! Who wouldn't. I am so not mad about Paramore's new album after laughter although I know a lot of people are but I am absolutely in love with their new sound. If you would open my music app right now you would come face to face with Paramore and all the songs I have downloaded from them...'

So I started to listen to her ramble some more... and more.

After a while she left me to rest and I started to think again.

I couldn't tell whether she was getting paid to talk to me or not. She sounded so genuine, but the doctors always try to keep the patients as happy as they can, and I think that a lot are noticing how depressed I truly am. I don't know how but they just do. So, it could very well be that they are forcing her to this. She doesn't even work here for money, she's a volunteer, but she's clearly a student and usually those are always looking for ways to earn some. I think it might be a gift of god to have someone like her to talk to me. Even if it's just for once, I mean I don't expect her to come back just to talk to me. Maybe to stretch everything that needs to be stretched but other than that I don't think she exactly loves talking to someone who won't respond. Most girls get annoyed by that, I mean sure usually that's with texts, but this might as well be just as bad. Maybe even worse since I'm literally in front of you and I'm basically ignoring you.

I was getting tired so I chose to sleep and I was out.

Just like that


hi my unicorns!

this was the second chapter of my new book and i really hope you liked it. if i have any mistakes feel free to correct me unless you see that someone has already done so.

i'm in the middle of moving from the Netherlands to California so i might not have a lot of energy to write a lot but other then that. life is going... it's going.

do you guys have a show or movie for me to watch on netflix please help me from this misery, i can't find any. THANK YOU.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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