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Mason Richards 

Thankfully, my temperature has reduced to 99 degrees the next day. Mom calls the doctor and he gives the okay for me to go to school. I feel like running to the office and hugging the life out of him. I throw on a white t-shirt with a red flannel over it, skinny jeans, and my favorite pair of Converse.

 "Mason, come downstairs! Your bus arrives in five minutes!" Mom yells.

 "Coming!" I shout back, running my hand through my hair. I grab my backpack and sprint down the stairs before gobbling up a bowl of Captain Crunch.

"Bye, Mason! Call me if you don't feel well!" Mom shouts as I leave. I run to the bus stop just as it arrives, and a wave of relief floods over Ashley's features when she sees me.

"Mason, thank god," she sighs, giving me a quick hug. She climbs on the bus first, and I follow. Arielle is crying for some reason, but I don't understand why because no one is bullying her.

 "Arielle?" I ask, sitting down next to her and dropping my backpack on the bus floor.

 "Mason," she whispers, burying her head in her hands, her knees against her chest.

 "What's wrong?" I question.

 "Everything," is her only answer.

 "But no one's bullying you," I point out.

 She shakes her head, wiping a tear from her cheek. "They were, before you and Ashley came."

 "Shit," I mutter. "I'm sorry."

 She shakes her head again. "It's not your fault." I don't know how to reply, so I remain silent. "Mason, can you do me a favor?"

 "Anything." I promise.

 "Meet me in the boys locker room during second period, please. I have something to show you."

 "Okay." I oblige, still confused as to what she wants to show me. Arielle wipes the last of her tears, and anger bubbles inside of me like a shaken soda. I clench my fists together, trying to keep my anger under control. I can't take it anymore. I get up and start to shout.

Arielle Evans 

"Listen up!" Mason barks, and I look up at him, frightened. Everyone immediately silences, all eyes focused on him. "Just because I'm not here sometimes doesn't give you the right to bully Arielle! It might not be illegal, but it's cruel! She just came out of the freaking hospital because of one of you, and you still can't give her a break?" Mason spits. Murmurs begin to surface from the back of the bus, where the populars sit. Anne keeps her eyes on the road, but from her huge grin, I can tell that she is very pleased that someone is standing up for me. "How would you feel if you got bullied for doing not a damn thing wrong, huh? How would you feel?" Mason yells. There is not a single hint of regret on any kid's face in the bus, which makes my heart sink. "Kevin, come up here for a minute." he orders. I'm surprised when Kevin obliges and walks to the front of the bus. "This," Mason spits, pointing at Kevin's black eye. "This is what happens to Arielle, Marcel, and everyone else like them. Marcel barely comes to school, and you want to know why? Because of you!" he shouts, pointing at random kids on the bus. Still not an ounce of regret on anyone's face.

 A few apologies come from the front of the bus, but the populars remain silent. Mason sits down again, his fingers clenched together. His face is red, and his breathing is hard and rapid.

 "Mason?" I whisper.

 "Yes, Arielle?" he snaps. My heart shatters. He's never spoken to me that way before.

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