Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

Captain Tullia bounded up onto the deck of her ship, the Peregrine. She swiftly climbed the rigging a little and looked out over the sunny Caribbean seas. There was nothing in sight; storm or ship. That was good. Not that she thought there was going to be a particularly fast response. The governor had had a guilty look about him as if he was doing something he shouldn't and the lack of a guard, was showing to Tullia's view.

She climbed down.

"To the cove of Titian!" She shouted.  The crew, that is those who weren't already too drunk, answered with a cheer.

Her quartermaster, Thomas, known as raffish Tom, walked over to her.

"How's the prisoner, cap'n?" He asked.

"The governor will be fine," she replied.

"Titian’s cove is a little out of the way," he continued.

"That's the point," she replied.

 They walked along the deck to the helm. One or two of the crew looked at her expectantly. Often after fighting, she had a lust come upon her and took one or more of them to her bed. But today she didn’t feel like it so she returned to her cabin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2014 ⏰

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