Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Destiny's POV

The sound of my annoying alarm clock wakes me up from my sleep and reminds me that I have to go to that oh so wonderful place called school. Note the sarcasm.

I slowly stretch my arms as I lift myself from the bed. I walk towards my bathroom so I can take a shower and wake myself up. I love the feeling of warm water running down my back and loosening up my muscles.

When I'm finally done with my shower I grab a towel and wrap it around myself and walk into my bedroom.

"What to wear? What to wear," I ask myself quietly as I'm looking though my clothes. I settle on a pair of black skinny jeans with my gray converse and a black, loose sheer chiffon shirt with a black tank top underneath it.

I go to my mirror and straighten my dark brown hair. I add a little liquid eyeliner and mascara that go good with my brown eyes and I'm done with my makeup. I don't like wearing a lot of makeup and I especially don't like girls who wear so much makeup that they look like they shoved their face in a cake.

I take a look at my outfit and smile, thinking I did a good job. I have I nice figure, to be honest. I do have to workout and train a lot because I'm a werewolf. Yep, you read it right. I live with a pack and my whole family are werewolves.

My wolf, Diana, is jumping up and down with joy because it is my 16th birthday. You see, when you are a werewolf, the day you turn sixteen is supposed to be the day you find your mate. Your mate is the person that makes up your other half and you're supposed to be with them for the rest of your life. Romantic, right? Well, sometimes it doesn't turn out that way and your mate could reject you. It doesn't usually happen, but it doesn't mean it won't happen.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty excited to find my mate, I'm just nervous to find out how he might respond. Pushing my nervousness aside, I walk downstairs to the kitchen to greet my family.

I see my 17 year old brother, Aaron, scarfing down toast at the table along with my dad, who is drinking his coffee calmly.

"Slow down, son. You don't want to choke," my father says to Aaron. Aaron just responds my grunting and finishing his toast.

I see my mother cooking some eggs at the stove. I look more like my mother with my brown hair and brown eyes, while my brother has my fathers black hair and blue eyes.

"Happy Birthday, sweetie," my mom says as she sees me walk in. My father and brother say it to me also.

"Thanks," I say to them and go to the table. I grab the last piece of toast before Aaron could scarf it down. He glares at me playfully and I stick my tongue out at him. My brother and I have a pretty good relationship. He's a little protective over me.

My mom smiles at me and says, "So, you finally get to find out who your mate is today."

"If I don't like him, I'm going to let him know," my brother says with a scowl on his face. I just laugh at him.

"I know. I'm a little nervous to meet him," I say.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Des," my after says to me and I smile at him.

My phone goes off and I see the text message from my best friend, Katy, saying she's here to pick me up for school.

"I got to go. Katy is here," I say and kiss my mom and dad on the cheek and say bye to Aaron. I grab my bag and go outside to meet Katy at her car.

"Happy Birthday, Des," Katy says to me as I get in her car.

"Thanks. I can't wait to find out who my mate is," I say excitedly. I check the time. "Hurry, we're going to be late." My wolf won't stop moving and I can feel her excitement.

He is near, I can feel it, my wolf says to me.

Katy hurries to get to school on time, but as we pull up to the parking spot, we hear the late bell ring. I get out of her car and we hurry to get to first period.

As I'm running down the hall, I smell the most intoxicating scent. It smells like mint and wood. I'm not looking where I'm going and I feel myself run into a wall. Or what I thought was a wall. I look up and my eyes slowly take in the chiseled chest up to his defined jaw and to his emerald eyes. It's Demitri Rake, the future alpha and the "bad boy" of the school. I hear my wolf howl with joy.

Demitri growls one word that makes me freeze. "Mate..."


Okay, so there's Chapter 1! Short, I know, but I really wanted to get it up soon. I hope you enjoyed it! What do you think will happen? What will Destiny and Demitri do about them being mates? Please vote and comment! :)

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