3:Each other

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Hey guys I'm back know and ready for business I'll try to make my chapters long.
Lucy: Get on with the story already
Bisklow: No need to rush Lucy.
Lucy: Fine
Bisklow: good girl
Lucy: Don't you dare good girl me or my fist will be up your throat.
Bisklow: you love me too much to do that.
Lucydragneel: Calm down you to or you shall face my wrath!!!!!!
Bisklow&Lucy: Y-y-ees-s-ss Ma'am.

Zeref's POV

'I've always wanted to train a person in magic even though see has magic. I wonder when we get closer to each other can I call her Ni-chan I've always wanted a sister and know I can have one' I thought.

Lucy's POV

While me and Zeref were walking to his so called place/house. Zeref seemed to be in deep thought. 'I wonder what he's thinking about I wonder if he can teach me to read minds.' Then all of a sudden I see a giant castle. "Zeref is this were you live it's huge. Oh and by the way what are you going to train me in like magic wise" I asked almost out of breath.
"Yes. And I'm not going to be the only one training you. You will learn all dragon, wolf, fairy,god, goddess, demons, angel, siren, slayer magic. In short you will be learning all magic ever created." Zeref said with joy " And how long will this take exactly " " Till you come of age to be the ruler of all realms and the Queen of all magic in short the Queen of all" " But why me" " Because you must follow in your mother foot steps when she died the realms had no Queen your mother was the Queen of all realms not the Queen of all" he said " what age will I be when I finish training " " 18 and that's when you come of age too I will train you in other thing like dark magic and light magic" "sounds fun to me. Also who was my real father" " your real father was anconalgia ( don't know how to spell his name)." " The Black Dragon" "yes" Once we were finished talking we walking side the castle was beautiful. Then Zeref showed me to my room with was a pink Queen sides bed with black walls it was utterly amazing it even had a walk in closet. The bathroom was so big that it even had a wonderful hot tub. When I got done exploring the room one of zeref's maids came up to my room so she could tell me that dinner was ready. Once I changed my clothes to something more comfortable. Than old ripped clothes. I when I walked do to the first floor of zeref's mansion I saw him wanting peacefully for me. Once we got done eating we went to bed. BUT something happens.
Cliffhanger. I'm so evil ( insert evil laugh) wait and find out what happened in my next chapter.
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