6:Traning part 2

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A/N(hey guys sorry for not updating. I've had a really bad cold and I couldn't find it in me to do any thing sorry please forgive me)

Time skip(in the dragon realm)

Lucy's POV

Once we landed in the dragon realm I was amazed at how beautiful it was. The sky was all kinds of colors. There were dragons everywhere. It looked like each dragon had an island all to them selves. each dragon had an island related to there magic. When I had got done looking at all the islands ancologia said that we should head to the place. "OK" was all I said. After I had said that ancologia took off into the sky. Once we got to the place I was surprised at how big it was. After that we had walked inside the place and let me tell you the inside was just as mesmerizing as the outside. Once we got to the throne room I saw someone I thought I would never see again. There sitting on the throne was mother. Once I saw her I started to get tears in my eyes and ran to her while screaming !!!mom!!!. "Hello honey" mom said "I missed you so much. You where here all the time" I said while wiping my teats away. " I'm sorry that I left you it was just that I was needed in the dragon realm " mom said " its OK I forgive you" I said. " well I'll take you to your room" mom said. Me and mom walked to the room I would be staying in. Once we had got there mom had told that we were going to have a party/ball for the princess return to the realms. Once I walked I was extremely amazed at how my room looked. My room had black and red walls. My bed was red. The pillows were black beside my bed was a small white desk. Then on the other side of the bed there's a full body mirror. My room was beautiful. While I was looking at my room I almost forgot that my mom to wear something formal for the party. I had walked over to my closet only to find out that its a walk in closet. When i had walked in I had instantly found the right dress. It was a black and red dress . I had took the dress and walked to the bathroom and changed. Once I was done changing I decided that I was going to curl my hair. So I had summoned cancer. " ebi what can I do for you Lucy" cancer asked me " Can you curl my hair Cancer " I said. Once cancer had finished doing my hair I heard a knock on my door. " come in " I said " hello Lucy are you ready" father asked " yes father." (A/N let's not forget that Lucy's 7years old)
" you look outstanding Lucy." Father said as we waled down the hall to the throne room." Thank you" I replied. When we entered the throne we saw
.Cliffhanger hey guys I'm really really really sorry for not updating I've had a bad cold for two weeks and I couldn't update and i had a bit of righters block.
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