Chapter seven: Missing

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Chapter seven: Missing

“That hurts!” I swatted Cody’s arms away as he attempted to wrap the bandage wrap around my ankle. He kept rolling it around too tightly, hence my outburst.

Grumbling, he threw the roll at me. “Then do it yourself!”

Angrily snatching the bandage roll from him, I began wrapping it onto the injured part of my foot.

“Do you think I twisted it?” I asked, hoping for another answer than yes.

“I would say you sprained it.”

I sighed, attaching the clip to hold the bandage wrap in place. To make matters worse, my parents weren’t home yet. It was a pretty awkward ten minutes with me clinging onto Cody and patiently waiting for my front door to open. As you can guess, it never opened. I had called them about five minutes ago, and apparently they went out to eat for dinner. That left me stuck with Cody and Sadie for the time being.

“Do you want to watch a movie or something?” Cody sat up from the couch, pointing to the big TV placed in the middle of the living room.

Nodding, I hobbled towards  the movie shelf with him.

“Are we watching a movie?” Sadie pounded into the living room with two Barbies clutched in both of her hands. “Can I pick?”

Cody quickly froze, instantly denying her request. I snickered silently, remembering the last time Sadie got to pick the movie. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so miserable before. I couldn’t blame him though. I too was slowly losing it. I guess two hours of colorful singing ponies can be pretty damaging to one’s mental state.

I nudged Cody on the shoulder. “C’mon Cody. Just let her pick something to watch. It won’t be so bad, right?”

He glared at me, already knowing the devious plan I had in my brain. “Never again. Not after the last time.” He shivered, recalling the memory.

“I’ll pick a different movie, I swear!” Sadie pleaded, tugging harshly on Cody’s shirt.

“What movie then?”

Sadie quickly held the movie up, grinning toothily at the both of us. I stared at it, perplexed at her choice.

“You like horror?” I nervously got the DVD from her, flipping it around so I could read the summary. According to it’s blurb, the movie revolved around two teenage boys who were in the middle of a zombie invasion and they must somehow escape. I frowned, already disliking the movie. Not only did I absolutely detest horror, the story line seemed too cliché. It was just your average zombie invasion movie.

Cody however, reacted differently to the movie.

“Yes!” He cheered happily, already setting it up. “I didn’t know grandma had this movie!” Smiling, he turned to me. “Sadie and I love this movie.”

 I blinked, stunned. How did the little girl who carried Barbies around and who wore unicorn t-shirts ended up liking a movie called “A Taste of Zombies.” My only conclusion was that her dearest older brother brainwashed her into liking this garbage. Knowing I stood no chance of rebelling against the movie choice, I miserably stepped back and watched as Cody set the thing up.

Soon enough, Cody and I sat on the outer edges of Mrs. Net’s sky blue couch with Sadie propped up in the middle. Even Cupcake decided  to join in as she laid down on the bottom of the carpet, getting ready for a nap.


Halfway into the movie and I still didn’t have a change of heart for my hatred of horror films. Like I expected, the plot was absolute rubbish. It was basically compiled of two guys hacking as much zombies as possible with a bunch of trash they found. There was even one part of the movie where one of the two guys stabbed a charging zombie with a lamp. My inner crabbiness was beginning to leak at the sight of this movie.

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