Chapter eight: He Made it Awkward

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Chapter eight: He Made It Awkward

If there's a feeling I hate more than anything, it has to be the horrid feeling of awkwardness. I honestly don't know how people deal with them!

Like right now for example.

I was over at Mrs. Net's house baking some chocolate chip cookies for Sadie while Cody just sort of...I don't even know what he's doing. He had a spatula in his hand, staring blankly at the bowl filled with the batter for the cookies. I had told him to mix it up, but he's been standing there for the past five minutes.

I couldn't blame him, I guess. Its not everyday you witness a girl glowing literally from her hands and healing you like it was normal. Guilt crept into my mind, realizing I might've dragged Sadie and him into something that I shouldn't have let them get into.

I sighed, preheating the oven to 350° Fahrenheit. The loud beep jolted Cody from his trance, accidently throwing the spatula at my stomach where my bruise from healing him was located.

I hissed a curse word, rubbing the sore spot repeatedly. "Geesh Cody, I didn't know you could actually throw." I joked.

My feeble attempt to break the ice didn't work however, his gaze now aimed at me. He looked almost...angry.

That scared me more than the man from last night.

"Are you hurt?" He said through gritted teeth, his fists clenching with every syllable.

"No-no." I stuttered, not used to his unusual behavior. "It was just a spatuala I-"

"Lift up your shirt."

If not for the events that had just occurred yesterday, I would've walloped him right in the gut and accuse him for being perverted. This however wasn't about him being that, this was about what happened last night.

I chuckled weakly. "Hey, we barely know each other...why would I lift my shirt up?"

"Charlotte." He said my name like a command, which indicated to me that he was serious.

"Why. What do you think you'll see?" I argued, growing more and more angry at the fact he was actuality furious with me! I mean, I just saved your life man! The least you could do was be a bit more thankful.

"Last night. That thing you did with your hands. You looked like you were in pain while you were...healing me." He said.

I bit my lip, hugging my sides. "Don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it? Don't worry about it?! Char, you walked over here hunched over and you can barely move around the house without wincing. What happened?"

"You wanna know what happened?" I yelled, pointing an accusing finger at his chest. "I freaking saved you last night! You almost died," my voice shook at the word. "The least you could do for me is cut me some slack and get off my case!"

"Your case! You seem to be forgetting that I was also involved in those events! I deserve an explanation from you!"

He was right with that point. He at least deserved an explanation.

"Just please tell me." He pleaded, his tone growing soft. "I have no idea what's going on right now."

"Alright." I sighed in defeat. "I'll...I'll tell you. Just promise me one thing."


"Whatever you do, do not get involved, all right? I don't want you or Sadie getting hurt because of me."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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