Chapter 18

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Last night, Vic had offered to buy a dog for me. Of course I was shocked, and no matter how much I wanted to say ‘Holy shit, really? Yes!’ I had to say that he didn’t have to. I didn’t want to be that one guy who made the person I’m in a relationship buy me stuff. Of course, he was making it really hard on me since he continuously said he would love to buy me a dog since it would make me happy. In the end, I just told him to speak with the guys, and if it was okay with them, it was okay with me.

Of course, that was last night, which was perfect because Tony had left a little while after our dog conversation, crying. I guess he got to the end of the book. Anyway, that wasn’t my concern since Vic and I had the house to ourselves at that point.

Anyway, let’s talk about today. I finally was able to get back to school. Believe it or not, but I didn’t miss it one bit, shocking. Of course, it seems as if I was the one being missed because as soon as I got into technology, Matty almost broke his leg running towards me. “What the fuck happened to you?” He asked in a more than worried tone. I shrug smirking as I think of a casual way to bring this up to him.

“Well, you see someone told me to play in traffic, and I took them up on their offer.” I joke, but Matty looks extremely annoyed and he punches me in the arm. “Ow, is that anyway to treat your friends?”

“Kellin, I was worried! You can’t just joke about getting hit by a car.” He responds. I would have continued our conversation if it weren’t for the fact that the professor had just walked in and we had to get to our computers. At least there’s only a month of school left until Winter break.

After technology, which was my only class on Fridays, Matty and I met up with Alex, who didn’t quite seem like himself. “Hey Lex.” I say when I see him in our regular spot in the hallway. “What’s wrong?” He doesn’t say anything, he just simply shrugs. I look over at Matty who shrugs as we both take a seat on either side of Alex.

“You’re going to have to tell us what’s wrong, you know.” Matty said, once again, Alex shrugged. What would be the reasons for Alex to be acting like a drama queen? Hmm, he can’t be on his period, so that leaves out PMS-ing.

I decide to bring some of my humor into the conversation so I say, “I know! He let Jack top him once and now he’s pregnant, his mom found out and kick him out of the house.” At the mention of this, Alex starts to cry. Matty shoots me a glare and I put my hands up defensively, “Hey, I was only joking but if I hit the nail on the head, then hey.”

“I can’t get pregnant, stupid! Jack broke up with me!” Alex blurts out in between sobs. Oh shit. I wasn’t a breakup expert so I have absolutely no idea of what to do in this situation. I was always the one to breakup with people, so…

“Okay, I have no training in this field.” I admit. I’ve heard that girls always want ice cream when they go through breakups, so maybe that’ll help right now. “I’m going to get some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, I’ll be right back.” I say jogging out of the school and to the supermarket just across the street—looking both ways this time. I walk quickly to the frozen isle and get the ice cream from one of the freezers paying for it and quickly jogging back.

Out of breath, I go back to where Matty was consoling Alex and place the container next to Alex. I then jog off to the school’s café to get a spoon. The spoons and forks are by the front counter so I quickly grab one. But as I do, I can’t help but notice who is working the cash register today; Vic’s exgirlfriend, Clair. Vic had told me the whole story of what Clair had done to him that day. So, do you guys remember that list I had when Vic was going out with her, it was called Reasons Why I Hate Vic’s Girlfriend? Yeah, I updated that list while I was in the hospital, and kissing Vic causing me to get hit by a car, is reason number 137 on that list.

Before she notices me, I grab a few spoons and get the hell out of there. I don’t want to be near that slut. Well, she wasn’t a slut; she just really liked Vic, but still!

I walk back our spot in the hallway, where Alex was still crying, but thank goodness Matty had gotten him to stop a bit. I sit next to Alex again and hand him and Matty a spoon and open up the tub of ice cream. Matty and I take a few spoon-fulls and leave the rest to Alex who is starting to rant about what Jack did to him. After about twenty minutes of this, I figure it’s time to go home and leave the breakup expert, since it was starting to get a bit late. Also, people were starting to stare.

I pull up into the driveway where none of the guy’s cars were, so I guess no one was home. I got out of my car and unlock the front door—the guys finally gave me keys, achievement get—and step inside. The house seems eerily quiet and it freaks me out, believe it or not. I’m not used to a quiet house, since most of the time, my dad would be screaming and yelling his head off, plus the guys over here were always so loud, which I didn’t really mind.

I shrug off the weird feeling and head upstairs. I get to my room door, but I don’t open it because I hear a voice coming from inside. “Shh.” Someone says. I’m actually a bit frightened, but I decide to grow a pair of balls and open the door. Much to my surprise, Vic is laying on my bed getting his face licked by a more than adorable golden retriever puppy. I drop my bag near the door an immediately rush over to him. “Isn’t she cute?” Vic asks handing me the puppy which I gladly accept.

“Yes she is!” I squeal. I’m pretty sure I mentioned that I loved dogs, like…. A lot! “Did the guys say it was okay for you to get a dog?” I asked holding the puppy in my arms and petting the top of her head.

“Um, the guys don’t know.” He admits, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. I stop petting the puppy, who whines so I start again, and look at him. “But, hey. It’s making you happy, I’m sure the guys will understand.” I try and keep up a disappointed face, but of course I can’t stay mad, since the little puppy yawns and I start to fangirl.

“Thank you.” I say, leaning over to him and kissing him. The kiss is really sweet, which I absolutely love.

“Anything for you.” He whispers as he breaks the kiss. I smile. “Oh, I thought since you love dogs that she could stay in here with you?” He asks. I nod, more than happy to have a golden retriever puppy stay in my room.

“What are we going to name her, though?” I ask, finally realizing that she needs a name.

“Hmm, what about Kellic?” He jokes. Actually, that’s perfect!


“Wait, you’re serious? I was just joking.” I nod my head and he shrugs, “Kellic it is.” He says getting up from my bed, “I’ll be back with her little puppy bed.” He walks out of the open door and into his room, leaving me with the most adorable dog ever.

“Kellic.” I repeat smiling, she’s perfect.

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