Chapter 27

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"Kellin, you can't be serious." I utter in a small voice. He can't go. Is he fucking kidding me? He's going to get abused, does he not see this? Kellin just pushes past me to reach the front door. "Please Kellin, don't leave me." I plead with him.

Kellin looks back at me, a weary look in his eyes. "Vic, I love you, but I need to make sure my mom is safe." That's bullshit! 

"Why doesn't she just come stay with us for a while. Tony said it was okay, remember?" I say, recalling the conversation Kellin had with Tony, Jaime, Mike and myself. Tony said he had no problem with it, and neither did me and the guys. If anything, Kellin's mom would just stay in his room and Kellin could sleep with me in mine. I wouldn't mind, and I don't think he would either. 

However logical it may be, he just shakes his head. "I don't want to risk my step dad finding out where she is and taking her back and making her life worse than what it is." I groan and run a hand through my hair, his logic is making me frustrated. To be honest, I'm controlling my anger, if I wasn't then I would have yelled at him a while ago. "Good bye Vic, I'll... I'll keep in touch." Kellin says before opening the door and walking out.

"Wait!" I call after him, but it's too late, just as I do so, he shuts the door. And I'm almost certain he's not going to come back to hear my desperate pleas for him to stay. I end up collapsing on the floor as the initial shock of what just happened hits me. Kellin is gone, and it doesn't look like anything will bring him back for a while.

It's been a month since Kellin left. He never called me after that day. And, well, I kind of went into a mini depression, I thought I meant more to him than that. I love him! He said he loved me! Why won't he return my calls? My wall is holier than a church, I swear. 

Anyway, at the moment, I'm sitting in drama class having a battle against myself.  I'm starting to think Kellin really didn't care about me. He saw me beg for him to stay, yet he still leaves, and even with that, he doesn't make an attempt to come in contact with me.  Did he really even care about me? I used to be a player, and I gave it up to be with him. Gosh, I was so stupid!

When my drama professor finally says we can leave, I'm the first one out of the room. I walk through the halls to leave the school (planning on skipping my last two classes) when I end up bumping into someone, that someone is Kellin's friend Matty. I know Matty cause he was at the party that me and the guys threw a while back. "Sorry." I mutter and go to walk past him but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back a bit. "Yes?" 

"Well, I was wondering if you were upset and stuff cause... you know." He says. Does he know about what Kellin did? Might as well play it safe.

"What?" I question.

"Oh, so you didn't know Kellin dropped out of school." Matty says. WHAT!? I don't say anything. Instead, I just look at him as if he just told me someone killed Kellic. "Well, he told me last week. I tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't change his mind. You should probably go talk to him. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye." He says, walking away.

I feel sick. No, worse than sick. Why would Kellin drop out of school? Ugh! And I thought I was better off forgetting about him. 

I end up rushing home, I don't know why though. I have no one to come back to. Whenever I rushed homework after school, it would be to see Kellin, but you know, he's not here anymore. I go straight to my room, avoiding all the guys who are in the living room, despite them asking why I was home so early. Once in my room, I do something I haven't done in a while.

I cried.

I cried because there was absolutely no way I could get in touch with Kellin now. There was no way I was going to be able to see the love of my life. What did I have if I didn't have him? I loved him--no love him--so much. But no matter how much I love him, he left me and he didn't even try to at least stay in touch.

It's time to move on.

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