chapter one-join us?

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Y/ns pov

I can't  make sense  of what most of these....things...are. they look like demons. Most of them any way. "So...why'd you drag me across town again?" I ask paco turning to him. "Because you are perfect here,you could join us! Go in! Meet some people! You might like it here!". I go in and everyone looks at me, a pink cat hovering about the ground comes over two me.

"Hiya newbie! Im pinky! Welcome to one shot! I suppose packo brought you here cause he texted me on you way over! If you have any questions ill be over there by the cupcakes!" Pinky flys over to the cupcakes and eats them

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"Hiya newbie! Im pinky! Welcome to one shot! I suppose packo brought you here cause he texted me on you way over! If you have any questions ill be over there by the cupcakes!" Pinky flys over to the cupcakes and eats them. I go to a room,its kinda like a casino. I see a few people gambling and others hoping to win money. I walk around it untill i bump in to someone. "Hi there cluts" they say to me. And look up at them and jump up.

 And look up at them and jump up

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"Whats wrong?" They ask. "I-im sorry,i scared" i studder. "I can sense that,here,let me help you up" he helps you up and you say thank you. "Im gamble,you are?" He asks. "Im y/n,nice to meet you gamble." After a while of talking you diside to go meet pinky. "Hi newbie! Got a question i see? Ask away!" She sounds so cheerful. "Whats the place for?" I didnt wanna sound to rude,i have no idea the power these people may hold. "Well,this group was created by packo,he made it because everyone that needed money to support families, people who want revenge, people who are sico,and people need food!" She answers. "Why would this place be for food?"."Because some of us feed of people.  Like gamble!"." Gamble feeds off people?!?!?! Will he eat me!?!?!"."nonononoNO!,he will only eat people that hes not associated with. That or the dead bodys of our victims.". "So...this is a place for murderous monsters?" I ask not trying to sound to rude. "I guess,...". We here a scream from down the hall. "Partyrise must be making  cupcakes!"

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