Chapter 10

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When they arrived at the game, they gave their tickets to one of the teens that had been roped into it, and took their seats at the top of the bleachers, more or less away from everyone else.

"Do they still have the same coach?" He asked Mike.

"Uh, I guess. It's some old guy." Hopper snorted.

"Yeah, I see his old ass out there." He pointed to him. "He was my old football coach."

"You played football?"

"Yeah, quarterback, actually." Mike looked at him like he didn't believe him. "Hey, I have plenty of proof! I got a shitload of pictures somewhere in the cabin." Mike chuckled.


"I'll show ya next time you're at the cabin." He said, making a face at Mike, which caused him to laugh.

By half time arrived, their team was winning by 4 points and it had gotten 10 degrees colder and Hopper gave Mike his hat.

"You want to get anything from the concession stand?" Hopper asked. Mike shrugged,

"I guess some hot chocolate. I have money." He replied, looking at him.

"Nah, don't worry about it." He started to get up but Mike said,

"I can go get it." He said. Hopper grinned and nodded, pulling his wallet out.

"Here's a ten, get two hot chocolates and anything else you might want." Mike nodded and gave him a small smile. He watched the teenager hop his way down the bleachers and off to the stand. He kept an eye on him but an older guy a few seats down came up to him and sat next to him.

"Is that your son?" He asked. Hopper shook his head.

"It's my daughter's boyfriend." He responded with a smile.

"Ah okay. He seems like a nice kid."

"He is. He's got a big heart, considering he's only 14, well, almost 14 I think. You know how 14 year old boys are at that age." The old guy chuckled and nodded.

"Oh yeah, I remember those days."

"I do too, and I can say that he's nothing like me or other teenagers." They talked for a couple more minutes and the old guy went back to his seat. Hopper looked towards the stand and saw Mike making his way back before stopping to talk to someone, and then continued back up the bleachers. He gave Hopper his drink and took a sip of his, shivering at the feeling. Hopper laughed and Mike blushed, though you couldn't tell because his face was already red from the cold. Hopper did almost the same thing, which made Mike laugh as well.

"Having a good hot chocolate when it's cold like this is one of the best feelings ever." Hopper said. Mike nodded in agreement, drinking some more of his. By the fourth quarter, their team was still winning, and would most likely win.

"You idiot! What the hell?" Mike exclaimed when someone played the wrong move (I have no idea how football works so that's why there's no details xD). He realized he cursed and said, "Oops, sorry." Hopper chuckled.

"It's fine, kid. I'd rather you say hell then some of the things Dustin does." Mike tilted his head to the side a literal and made a face, nodding.

"True. He is a potty mouth."

"It'll only get worse."

"Yeah, he's gonna get a permanent bruise from us elbowing or hitting him for it. I swear he does it around El on purpose."

"Oh God, let's not get her started. She won't stop, and I know that for a fact." Mike chuckled and nodded.

"He'll corrupt her eventually."

"I'm dreading the day where she curses me out using every word in the book."

"Me too." They laughed. After the game, their team winning, they went to the same restaurant they took El to and got burgers.

"So, do you want to play football or any sports next year?" Hopper asked. Mike shrugged.

"I highly doubt I'll play football. I'm too skinny, as El says," Hopper chuckled, "and I'd probably break in half or something. I like basketball though, so I might try out for that."

"Are you any good?"

"I'd like to think so, yeah." Mike grinned.

"Hm, we'll just have to see then. When you're on break we can go to the park and play a game or two with your friends and El. That is, if you want to anyway."

"Yeah! That'd be awesome! I'll probably be like two inches taller then." Hopper snorted and nodded.

"At this rate, you'll be taller than me by the time you're 16." It was silent for a few seconds, and thankfully not an awkward silence. "So, I've been meaning to ask but, uh, are you and El...You know," Mike raised an eyebrow, "Are you boyfriend and girlfriend or...?" Mike blushed.

"I haven't asked her yet." He scratched the back of his neck. "I don't think she knows what boyfriend and girlfriend is. She hasn't asked. It'll be awkward as hell if she asks me that." Hopper chuckled.

"I'm sure if she hears the words she'll ask eventually. Either me, you, Joyce, or even Nancy." Mike nodded. "Also, I can tell how freaked out you are because you think I'm gonna give you the talk but I'm not. At least, not yet, because I trust that you're a good kid and won't hurt her, because you and I both know that if you broke her heart she'd probably break you leg." Mike snorted and nodded at that.

"Yes sir. I don't plan on it. Ever, and that's a promise. And I don't break promises."

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