Chapter 30

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Welp... Here we are... a month and (almost) a week later...

So, decided not to really have much of a time skip cus I forgot about something I had planned for like after New Years cus I have short term memory loss sometimes BUT I wrote it down in a random ass google Doc and I was going through and deleting ones I didn't need and found it so here we are and sorry for the wait. I'm not making any promises for the next chapter, just know it'll get here eventually XD

Now that this chapter is over with, you guys can send me prompts! (if you want to lmao) It can be anything as long as it goes along with the story line.

All I need is the prompt(ofc) (i'll message you if you have an account if i need more details) and what age they are. Now, if you request something where they're two years older, for example, that request will come later on in the story. I don't want to go all over the place (unless it's maybe flashbacks or something like that, idk).

Does this shit make sense? It does to me but then again half the shit I write doesn't make sense (i rewrite a lot fo stuff, y'all don't EVEN know). If not just review or PM me, or if you have Instagram you can DM me on finnlardmydude XD (you can also send prompts there too if you want)


Saturday, January 19, 1985

Mike found that Hopper was entirely too correct on his statement of El never taking the necklace off. In the (almost) month since he'd given it to her, the few times he's seen her, she'd always have it on. The last time they saw each other was a little over two weeks ago, but that was because they'd gotten snowed in at the cabin and Hopper or his mom wouldn't let Mike even attempt to go out in the snow to see her. That was two weeks ago, and El had gotten sick around the time Hopper managed to dig out a good enough trail to walk. He'd taken her to the Byers house for a week and refused to let anyone else see her so they wouldn't get sick. 

He had talked to El multiple times over the phone, as well as Hopper, who informed him she still wouldn't take the necklace off. Mike had still been a cranky little asshole, according to Nancy, the whole two weeks, but today would change that. Most of the snow had melted, as it'd gotten a little warmer and the sun was shining, though it'd probably snow again before spring arrived. 

"Michael!" Karen yelled, multiple times, before her fourteen year old, overly dramatic son trudged his way downstairs, where she and his sisters were waiting.

"What?" He grumbled, plopping down on the couch.

"While you were up there moping about not seeing your girlfriend, Hopper called." Mike perked up, then glared, and then his eyes shown with worry.

"Just Hopper? Is El okay?" He asked.

"She's fine, Mike." Nancy said, patting his shoulder. "He said that if you promised to stop being a cranky little asshole, he'd bring her over today, and pick up the rest of your little nerd friends, sans Lucas at least. His scrawny ass can walk over here himself." Mike perked up but narrowed his eyes at her at the insults.

"Well you're being an almost legal adult cranky asshole." He retorted and stuck his tongue out at her. Nancy just rolled her eyes. "But I promise," He muttered. "Is that all you wanted? Because if so, I plan to go back upstairs and mope until she gets here." Karen couldn't help but snort at that and shake her head at him. She flicked a curl out of his face.

"No, that's not all. You two sit on either side of him, okay?" She said, and Nancy plopped down to his left and Holly to his right. "Do you remember when I told you on Christmas that I had another present for you? But we had to wait for it to be finished?" The three nodded, but then Holly shook her head.

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