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The Third Day

The shrill sound escaping my roaring from my phone caused my eyes to shoot open as I flopped around, attempting to stop the noise. After my unattractive fit I realized, thankfully, that Aubrey was no longer in my room. Instead her familiar and slightly southern lilt was stationed outside my door, the hall light providing a small ray of light under my door.

“Hello?” My garbled voice entered the small device as I rubbed my eyes.

“Bella, we have some news.” Mali-koa’s excited voice resounded in my ear. I had to hold the phone away from my ear as I winced, hastily turning down the volume for future experiences.

“What’s going on?” My voice immediately sobers, the sleepy slur leaving no trace behind.

“We found him.” She cried, her voice wavering as she spoke.

“Who did we find?” I carefully asked, confused about the situation.

“The man who hit Calum. We found the son of a bitch, Bella. Calum’s finally getting his justice.” Her voice softened as she spoke, an incredulous tone overtaking her voice.  

“What- um, what should I do? Like, where should I go?” I asked, breathing out a sigh of relief at the thought of something actually going right for once.

“Can you come down to the hospital and stay with Cal? My parents and I have to go to the police station and I really don’t want him to be alone.”

“Of course, Mali. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” We quickly said our goodbyes before I shot out of my bed, rummaging through my closet for my signature ripped, acid washed blue jeans. I glanced at the time, which was now quarter to eight in the morning as I tugged the tight fabric up my legs.

“Sorry about that.” Aubrey apologized, coming back into my room as I finished pulling an old basketball tournament shirt over my head.

“Don’t worry,” I quickly began to pull a brush through my tangled locks, “Mali called me anyways.”

“Really? What happened?” She asked, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

“We finally found the guy who hit Cal. Mali and her parents have to go to the police station for some official stuff, so I’m going to go and watch Calum incase anything happens.” I explained, tugging a plain black zip up sweater I had stolen from Calum before leaving for Stanford earlier in the year over my shoulders.

“Wow.” She murmured as the information began to sink in. “I’ll meet you at the hospital later, Ash just called to say he’s almost home, so I’m going to wait for him. Alright?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.” I assured her, pulling my hair up into a ponytail and grabbing my purse, checking to make sure my wallet was still inside.

“Okay, text me if anything happens.”

“I will.” I promised. Aubrey smiled before leaving as I scrambled to find my clunky key ring.


“Thanks for coming so fast.” Mali quickly spoke, gathering her stuff much like I had earlier in the morning.

“Mali, you should know by now that it’s not a problem.” I giggled, handing her the cell phone she had been searching for.

“I know, but still.” She sent me a soft smile, her dark locks pulled away from her face, her exhausted expression on full display.

“Go ahead; we’ll be here when you come back.” I promised, grasping her hand and squeezing it softly. She shot me a thankful smile before dropping a kiss on Calum’s forehead and leaving the room, twirling her car keys on her index finger.

17 Nights {c.h.}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ