Quit Screaming

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Wait a second, the cushions moving..

Batting my eyes, attempting to focus I squealed louder than a eight year old on Christmas morning after witnessing what Santa brought.

"Fuck that was loud. Quit screaming," Kazimir boldly stated, drawling circles on my back.

How is he so calm..

"What time is it?" I wondered rolling off his broad chest to lay beside him.

"6," he announced.

Six?! I arrived here at noon. Shortly after that, well you know what happened. We've been asleep for some time now.

"Are you hungry? Dinner is finished."

At the thought of food I quickly jumped off the bed. Looking down remembering I wasn't wearing any pants I felt embarrassed. I easily knew my cheeks had blushed.

"You are really going to act shy now? You wasn't shy four hours ago," he winked slipping his jeans back on. Sending him a death glare I reached for my panties and bottoms.

Dinner was delicious. They served Mexican fish-tacos with beans. My first time trying them and I can assure you it won't be my last.

After supper I helped Lilith clean the kitchen. I washed the dishes and she dried.

"Are you ready to see your new place?" She excitedly beamed placing the last clean fork into the drawer. "I am," I beamed back.

Lilith lead me in the foyer, standing there was Kaleb, the man who greeted me when I first got here. Saying good night to Lilith I followed Kaleb through the front door.

"Were walking?" I questioned noticing him walk passed the three totally useable vehicles outside.

"It's not far," he confirmed without turning back to face me.

He was not kidding. Literally, 30 steps later we arrived. That's right, I had moved right next door.

"Kazimir wanted you close," he trailed off unlocking the house. It was beautiful. Not as decorative as Kazimir's but that's an easy fix.

The walls were all painted white, the flooring was a dark wood. Black furniture filled the living space. I was thrilled to see the rest of it.

"I'll be going now," Kaleb waved before turning off.

Kazimir's POV

After dinner I excused myself to attend to some work I missed this evening. I was far more busier with important things.. As in Myla. Something about her citrus smell had me stuck to her like I was crazy glue.

That's what I couldn't comprehend. Why I was so attached to her. When she first stepped foot into my office at the industry I felt this overwhelming urge to cradle her, to run around the room with her in my arms, jumping in pure bliss.

But why?

Unannounced and unwelcome, Here he came storming into my office with a purpose. Anton, my brother, marched to stand the opposite of me at my desk.

Resting his fists on the edge of the slick wooden top he narrowed his eyes, fury ran around his pupils, "What are you up too?!"

"Work..?" I stated meeting his anger glaze.

"Don't act stupid! You know what I'm referring too. Why bring the girl here? Sleep with her... let her move in next door?! What could an innocent bitch like her want with a man like you?" Anton stood taller crossing his arms. Rage and irritation flowed with his words.

"Word travels fast-" I began rising out of my chair before I was stopped.

"Words don't mean shit! I smelled your scent all over her at dinner. What's your plan?! Why'd you bring her here?! To keep her as your own personal fuck toy?!"

Slamming my hands down on the desk, "Watch your tone with me on this floor! My daughter is around here playing, she doesn't need to pick up on your language!" Through gritted teeth I pointed a single finger at my brother.

"You will not question me. You will not argue with me over anything that I chose to do! Myla stays where I want her too. I suggest you leave just as quick as you came in. Your face disgusts me."

Snickering under his breath Anton turns to leave. Gripping the brass door handle he turns to barely face me. An amused expression across his face, "If you can hit home runs. So can I," he proposed before walking out.

Anton's POV

It kills me just how important Kazimir thinks he is around here. He thinks he gets to call and make all the shots. Not this time asshole. I've sat backseat my entire life. Watching Kazimir's life be everything I've ever wanted.

That's why four years ago I claimed the life of his 'Precious Chrystalyn'.. I never could stand her. Her high-pitched whinny mouth, always yelling and demanding Kazimir along with everyone else here to drop at her feet like she was some kind of goddess. Killing her was the best thing that happened here on the territory.

Kazimir never saw it as that. He has resented me the last few years. He's even tried to have my body hung in the court yard for all the members to witness. Luckily, everyone agreed that her death was a celebration. So, they dismissed my case.

I know what his intentions with Myla are. As usual, Kazimir is up to no good. Myla is human, weak, delicate. Us being what we are we're dangerous. He'll break her within a month.


I know this is kinda short. The story is titled Sexually Hypnotized so there will be mature scenes obviously, BUT there will be so much more than that. Sometimes they may be detailed, others not so much.

I hope you all enjoy ♥️♥️♥️

I hope you all enjoy ♥️♥️♥️

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