Baby Daddy Chapter Seven

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Camila's POV

I got off my plane and rushed to baggage claim. I haven't slowed down since I heard the news about Y/N, "Camz over here." My head sot over to Lauren, "Lo where is she?" Lauren rolled her eyes, "nice to see you too and she is back at home." I rushed to her car, "Lo can't you drive any fast?" She rolled her eyes again, "no I am at the speed limit Camz."

When we finally got to her house I jumped out of the car, "Camz just wait for me." It was too late I was knocking on the door, "hello?" I little child answered the door, "Lolo I didn't know you got a little brother?" She shook her head, "he is your son congrats Baby Daddy." I fainted and thankfully someone caught me.


Lucas came back into the room with Lauren and an unconscious Camila, "what did you do to her Jauregui?" Dinah said, "told her that Lucas was her son then congratulated her on being Y/N baby daddy." I growled, "Lauren!" Lucas come up to me, "mummy did I do something wrong the lady just fainted." I looked at his hearing aid to see it needed new batteries, "Lucy can you please go get Luke's batteries?" She nod and came back with a empty packet, "mummy there aren't anymore." I groaned and sighed to Lucas thank god I thought him sign language for moments just like this. "Lucas we have no more batteries for your hearing aid," the young boy pouted, "when can I get more?" I kissed his head. "Um can one of you go get a packet of Duracell Size 675 Batteries for hearing aids?" Normani nod and grabbed Ally's hand, "let's go babe."

When Ally and Normani finally got back I had Lucas crying in my arms because we were all have a conversation about Camila and he got frustrated that he couldn't hear. "Girls thank god you are back can I please have a battery?" They gave me the packed and I gave Luke's hearing aid another battery then put it on him and turned it on. "Hey, Lucas look at me," Luke started to calm down now realising he could hear things. "Mummy I can hear again!" I yelled and kissed my cheek which woke Camila up. "Where am I?" She said then looked around, "oh god it true they found you." Before I could even blink I was picked up and hugged, "unhand my mummy stranger!" Lucas told Camila.

"Wait so that wasn't a dream I have a kid?" She put me down and looked to me, "well you-" "MAMI!" Lucy came running down the stairs and attached herself to Camila's leg. "-have two kids. Camila meet Lucas and Lucia. Your son and daughter."



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