Baby Daddy Chapter Eleven

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I was at this shop with all these cute kids clothes in it and I was getting clothes for the kids. I have already got a few outfits for myself, "hi Miss would you like a trolley so you don't have to carry your bags or I could carry them for you if you give me your number." I looked at him confused, "um I'm sorry I'm in a relationship and I don't have a phone for you to ring me on." I took the trolley and walked away, "wait he can't be making you happy right be he also has a small dick."

The guy kept following me, "look mate if you don't stop harassing me I will call my GIRLFRIEND and she'll come beat your fucking ass and also she 10 inches which by the look of it is bigger then you." I walked away and this time he didn't follow me, "um excuse me Miss would you like some help?" I saw a young teenage boy, "um I was looking for some clothes for my son and my daughter?" He nod, "well I think we should start with your son. How old is he?" "5 years old." The young man nod and we started to shop for the kids clothes.

I was on my way to the car with the trolley full of bags, "Mummy look what Mami bought us!" I heard a little bark, "oh god Camila you are spoiling them too much I mean two puppies." Camila grabbed the trolley off me, "well they were cute puppies and they are cute kids so I had to get them." I sighed and kissed her cheek, "thank you for the clothes also I might of tipped the young boy helping me." She pulled me into her side and kissed my cheek, "well if he helped you and didn't hit on you I'm fine with it."

I hugged her arm, "there was this guy that hit on me but I handled it." Camila kissed my cheek, "that's my girl. So, let's see some of the things you bought for the kids."

(These are not all the clothes that Y/N bought these are just some of them)

Lucas' outfits

Lucas' outfits

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