Kenzie's Goodbye to Lauren (2015)

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Kenzie's POV:
"Lauren it's Kenzie" I said Then she opened the door and said "I'm gonna miss you so much! " She said while hugging me "I'm Too.. Don't forget me Okay? " I said while my tears are falling on to my cheeks "I won't Kenzie! I love you" She said "I love you too best friend!" I said to her.. Then, My mom said we are going.. "Goodbye Lauren... " I said while She cries "Bye Kenzie.. " I was so sad Then I saw Johnny putting his hand on his hair while crying.. I hugged him.. And then we left...
When I were in the car I kept on thinking about Johnny and also Lauren... We had lots of fun.. Especially me and Johnny We did's together, We played on the park together, We also watch movies together.. Idk? What would I do without him..

"1 year Later"

(JOHNNY ORLANDO AND MACKENZIE ZIEGLER) WISH TO SEE YOU AGAIN...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum