Chapter 5

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Miss Rabbit listened to the footsteps above. The children were going now - perfect.

"You can come in, everyone!" she yelled, opening the door to her underground shop. Everyone came into the room.

"I apologise for the wait; the children took a while to leave." she apologised.

A gruff voice came from the shadows.
"Damn right. Now, what are we going to do? The disappearance of Wendy, Rebecca and Zoe can't be dismissed."

"True. Well - we all know who did it, don't we?"
The crowd, of several people, murmured in agreement.

"He was looking at Candy today. We need to do something."

Miss Rabbit sighed.

"Agent 6 - do you think you'd be able to work undercover?"

Agent 6 smiled.

"I'd be delighted to." Daddy Fox said.

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