Chapter 13: Visiting Armin

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Paz waits for Jean's answer.

"I'd rather not say," he says to her. He came back from the front door and sat on the couch, his head resting in the palm of his hand.

"Do you like a person but they don't know you exist? Like the actor I like? You know who I want to get married? Connie and Sasha."

"That's nice. We've all been trying to get Connie and Sasha together for a long time. The good thing is they're secretly dating... But sometimes I feel like that person doesn't know I exist."

Why am I in the midst of this conversation?

"You know who I love? My dad, and Mikasa, grandma is cool too. Uncle Kenny is...okay. Do you love your mom?" Paz is starting to talk a lot like me.

Jean stayed quiet for a moment before answering, "Yeah..."

"You don't talk much." Paz now plays with Armin's eyebrows.

He doesn't seem bothered in the slightest...

"Here Armin some soup for you just in case. Do you want some too Paz," Connie asks her.

"Does it have carrots?" Paz sniffs the soup.

"Do you want carrots in it? I made it from scratch with the vegetables I found in Armin's refrigerator."

"Yes please." She wiggled in Armin's arms. "Hey Jean, Eren says you like horses or something like that. Do you have a horse?"

"Yeah, I have one at my mother's house that I visit every so often."

"Cool." Paz starts singing a song. Which I now notice has cuss words in it.

"Where did you hear that song from, Paz? And why are you saying bad words," I ask.

"It's catchy, I heard it at school. Can I keep singing?"

"Just don't say the bad words."

She rubs her chin and starts singing another song about Zombies. "There's a zombie on your Lawn, we don't want zombies on our lawn." +


Jean was at the door now and looked back at Connie and Sasha, "Are you guys ready to go yet? If not I'm leaving. Hopefully, Mister Levi won't mind taking you guys home."

"Go home Jean! We live around the corner remember," Sasha says.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Connie says.

... "What about you Paz, are you ready to go yet?"

She took Sasha phone and is listening to a song called...riot. Paz is laying down on the floor bored out of her mind. She is ready to leave.

"Paz... Paz..."

"Don't worry Mister Levi, I got this," Connie says and opens the door to Armin's grandfather's room.

He was covered in a blanket walking out slowly with his arms stretched out in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

Paz sees Connie in that state and screams throwing the phone at his face!

He fell back and no one did anything but stare at him... except for Armin who ran over to make sure that he was alright.

I went into Armin's refrigerator and took out a bottle of water as well as one of Paz's pills for her to take.

"Take this before we leave," I say giving it to her. She nods and takes the pill. "So can I get a kitty?"

"I'll give you a little test for about a month. If you can manage to take care of it and do everything I asked you to do, then fine, we'll get you one to keep. A small kitten. But if you don't do what I asked you to do then you're not getting one for a few years."

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