(1) The worst birthday

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Chloe's perspective

The second I heard the news, I could feel my head spinning. My eyes filled up with tears until everything was a blur. I left my seat at the table and dashed up the stairs to my room with tears pouring from my eyes. I staggered into my cosy, attic-style bedroom and buried my face in the pillows on my bed. Salty tears washed over my face as I cried my absolute heart out. My parents hated each other and wanted a divorce, mum wants to move to America with her boyfriend and dad's a complete mess right now. How was I going to get through this? Most importantly how was Ava going to get through this? She's only 5! Ava is my little sister, I love her to bits and now I can't imagine what's going through her head. I cried and cried and cried.  

After about an hour later, I had calmed down a bit. But I was still a mess, mascara had run down  my face, my foundation was beginning to look very unsettled on my face because of the tsunami of tears it just had to face. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming up to my room. I immediately wiped my face with the sleeve of my dress, attempted to fix my hair and picked up my phone to make it seem like I was doing something. I didn't want Ava to see me like this. I've gotten used to doing this because of all that's happened this year. Honestly this has been the hardest year so far. I fell in love with somebody who NEVER loved me and was just using me. I was then bullied, nearly abused by that same heartless freak and now this.

Ava skipped into my room. Her cute little brown pigtails danced with her step and her little dress fluttered like a butterfly. But she could tell something was wrong. "Chlo what's going on?" she said as she sat next to me on my bed. "Nothing" I bluntly said whilst pulling her into a tight hug and fighting back the tears. "I think that we should just watch movies, let them sort this out by staying out of their way." I said. She stood up on my bed and grabbed the box of Disney movies off my shelf and rummaged through them until she found Cinderella. So that's how my 16th birthday went. Me and Aves were cuddled up in bed watching movies really loud to block out my parents argument downstairs.(It went on for a very long time.)

My original plan was for neither me or Aves to leave my room just to stay out of the way but she insisted on having some hot cocoa so I did have to go downstairs to the kitchen. I could hear dad angrily talking to himself in his room whilst mum slammed the door and left with her suitcase.(Her boyfriend was there in his speedy red car to take her away. I hated him. He swore and said inappropriate things I didn't even know in front of Ava. He disgusted me.) I quickly made the hot cocoa and went straight back to my room, trying to get away from all of these problems. 

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