(10) Ava finds out

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After our little emotional scene, we both decided to make breakfast. We both agreed on pancakes so I laid all the ingredients out on the counter and we began. I poured the milk into the beaten eggs then added sugar and salt and then the flour whilst Finn mixed it. I accidentally got some flour on the counter so I got some on my hand and put some on the tip of his nose.

"Hey!"He giggled

I playfully winked at him. He then smiled and grabbed some flour. I screamed whilst running into the dining room running from Finn who was chasing me around the table. He grabbed me by snaking his arms around my waist and threw me onto the sofa in the corner of the dining room. He got the flour ready in his hands but I wasn't letting him win THAT easily. I jumped off the sofa tackling Finn to the ground and the flour in his hands showered us. I pinned him to the floor, sat on his abdomen and pinned his hands on either side of his head. 

"You're so cute!" He smiled.

"I win!" I said to him.

"You do realise that I could take you down any second." He laughed

I mocked him with "You really think that you can even move like this let alone-"

I screamed as he flipped me over and withing a split second, it was me laying on the floor and him proudly sat there.

"Told you!" He smirked.

"Fine you win." I admitted. "So can you get off now so we can continue making breakfast."

He scratched his head to show he was thinking and then looked at me blankly.

"Please." I gave him puppy eyes too.

He sighed with a smile and helped me up. I ran back into the kitchen, gave the mixture one last mix and heated up the pan. I think Finn was watching TV in the living room while I was cooking the pancakes. I spooned a bit of mixture onto the hot pan and waited patiently for it to cook. All of a sudden, I feel a pair of hands slip around my waist and hug me tight. I tilted my head to see Finn bury his head into the crook of my neck.

"Finn!" I complained.

"I missed you." He said but it sounded very muffled because his head was still buried into my shoulder.

"You were in the living room for like 10 minutes! Oh my god, stop tickling me!" I said between giggles. 

I squirmed as he tickled me but his hands were wrapped too tightly around my waist for me to escape. "I knew it!" A little voice came from the other side of the kitchen. I turned my head to see Ava standing at the door to the kitchen with her arms crossed and an evil smirk from one ear to the other. A warm feeling overtook my cheeks and I could tell that I was blushing so much more than ever before from Ava's reaction.

"Chloe has a boyfriend!Chloe has a boyfriend! Chloe has a boyfriend!" she said as she skipped around the kitchen waving her arms in the air. I ignored her completely and continued  to spoon on the last bit of batter. Finn stood by me and was laughing so much while I held my stern face to stop Ava. When she had calmed down, she came over to the stove to see the stack of pancakes on the side and her face lit up.

"Ava you and Finn lay the plates and knives and forks out, while I make this last pancake." I said.

They both nodded and walked out of the dining room. After about 2 minutes, I grabbed the plate of pancakes and the bottle of maple syrup and headed into the dining room. When I walked in, Ava was whispering something into Finn's ear and they both burst out laughing.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as I put the pancakes in the middle of the table.

"Noth-ing" Finn replied between fits of laughter. I gave him a look and he began laughing even more. 

"No seriously guys tell me!" I moaned.   

"Well I was just telling your boyfriend about when you cut your hair into a pixi cut when you were four because you wanted to look cool. Dad told me that he freaked out because you cut in zig zags and the salon was shut for a while." She said  and Finn started laughing again.

"Okay, okay now can we just eat now?" I complained

They both looked at each other grinning and nodded in unison. We all took our pancakes, covered them with some maple syrup and tucked in. It was delicious!  

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