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Sherlock didn't know much about emotions. He didn't particularly care, either. What he did know, was that right now, John was furious. He wasn't sure what had set him off. No, that's a lie. It had undoubtedly been a combination of things. A troubled day at work (hunched shoulders, tired eyes, obvious frustration) and the experiment he had come home to. In Sherlock's defense, John had never reacted this badly to finding body parts in the fridge.

"John, I don't understand." "What is there to understand, Sherlock? You can't just leave body parts in the fridge!" John's face was red, his fists clenched, and his eyes shone with frustration and fury. "There are often times you've come home to body parts in the fridge." Sherlock pointed put. "Yes, and frankly, it's getting a bit ridiculous!"

"Obviously you had a bad day at work. What was it?" Sherlock didn't wait for an answer. "I'm assuming Sarah broke it off, after what happened last week at the circus." It wasn't a question. "It's for the best, really. You can't afford to be distracted by such nuisances." "This is your fault Sherlock!" John shouted. "My fault?" "Yes! It's all. Your. Fault." With each word John took a step forward, until he was nose to nose with Sherlock. Er, nose to chest, that is.

"I sincerely doubt that. Perhaps Sarah felt you weren't a satisfactory partner. Not a difficult deduction considering your frequent night terrors, occasional emotional outbursts, and constant-" Wham! Sherlock wasn't able to finish that sentence as John's fist collided hard with his jaw.

He blinked in shock for a moment, before turning to John, who was breathing heavily with an undoubtedly elevated heart rate. "Feel better?" Sherlock inquired. Apparently that wasn't the right thing to say. "What is wrong with you?" "What do you mean? There is nothing wrong with me. Well, besides a slight nosebleed, which can easily be fixed. But-" "No. I mean, what is wrong with you?" John asked, staring at Sherlock in obvious disbelief. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean." Sherlock admitted.

"You! You-you keep body parts in the fridge, you don't care about others." "What's wrong with that?" Sherlock asked, a bit defensively. "Normal people don't do that Sherlock! Normal people don't keep dismembered heads in the fridge! Or play the violin at two bloody o'clock in the morning!" "Yes. And?" Sherlock asked. It was a well-known fact that he was not normal, so to hold him to the same standards as everybody else would be ridiculous.

"Its driving me crazy! Why can't you be like a normal person. Why are you such a-a freak?!" Sherlock stumbled back in shock. Out of anyone, he had never expected John to call him that. The hated nickname of his past. The name his own parents would use against him. John knew this, so why would he use that against him? "Sherlock. I didn't mean...." John trailed off. His eyes were soft, regret clear in them. "No, I believe I understand perfectly. Who would want a freak around?" With that, Sherlock stormed off to his room, immediately locking the door behind him. John stood stock still, unable to believe what had just transpired. "What have I done?"

Freak (BBC Sherlock Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now