Chapter 6

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Noh ran.  He had no idea where his feet were taking him he just knew he had to get far away from that room.  The person he loved the most was in that room loving on someone else. No, not someone else. Kongpob. His roommate and friend. That hurt so fucking bad. It couldn't be real, could it?

Needing to stop for air Noh found himself in front of a large pond.  He was pretty sure this was where that damn root cellar would have been.  Even running blindly he had been going in that direction. This whole place was so familiar, yet not.

He just wanted to go home and forget this day had ever happened. How could he get the image of Phun kissing Kongpob out of his mind? Falling to his knees Noh screamed. His head and body still ached from earlier. Now his heart felt like it was going to break. He let the tears fall freely, not caring snot was running down his nose.

"My Phun, my Phun..."

He wanted to go home.  Wiping his face with his sleeve a crazy idea formed.  Noh stood and took a few hesitant steps towards the water.

Arthit saw the crazed look on Noh's face and he didn't like it one bit. As Noh's hesitant steps turned into a run Arthit's heart started racing.

"Noh, what the fuck are you doing? Stop!"

As usual Noh wasn't listening. With dogged determination Noh kept going until he was in the pond and the water was lapping at his shoulders.  He didn't have a root cellar to fall down into, so maybe going into the water would do the trick. He was sure he had seen it on a Korean drama once before.  Noh was tired from fighting the fever. The water was freezing and being fully dressed was weighing him down.  Even though he could swim he felt himself being pulled under, he was welcoming the numbness.

Arthit hit the water a few seconds after Noh did.  He really wished the little shit would listen for once in his life.  Diving down he grabbed Noh under the arms and pulled him up not stopping until they hit grass.  Arthit patted Noh's back as he coughed up water and restrained himself from beating the idiot.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Are you trying to kill yourself?" Arthit scolded harshly.

Noh curled up into Arthit's arms shivering. "No..nnoo..nn...I jusssst...waaannnnaaaa.....goooo...hooommmeee," Noh stuttered through chattering teeth.

Arthit scoffed, "You thought drowning was going to accomplish that! Idiot!"  Wait!  Did he say home?  Could it be....


The anguish in Noh's voice and the meaning of his words hit Arthit like a ton of bricks. Seeing Phun pressed up against Kong was bad enough, but to actually see them...NO he didn't want to picture it. Noh's lips were turning blue and the air was chilling his wet skin as well.  Standing Arthit lifted Noh onto his back and started walking swiftly back towards the dorms.  Thank goodness for directional signs.

Reaching the nurse's office he pushed open the door and found the sweetest looking woman sitting behind the desk wearing brightly colored scrubs.

"Oh My, what happened!  He was in no condition to go for a swim," Nurse Nan cried in concern.  "Come lie him down here."

"I found him by the pond.  He seemed delirious.  He fell in and I pulled him out."

"What!  My poor boy is fighting off a fever.  How in the world did he get over by the pond?  I sent Film with him to his room," Nan wondered making quick work of getting Noh undressed down to his boxers.  "Go back to your room and dry yourself off.  I don't need our soccer star getting sick right before the next game."

"I'm not leaving him," Arthit insisted stubbornly.  He couldn't leave Noh, especially not if this Noh was his Noh from his reality.

"Why do all the handsome ones have to be so darn stubborn?  Fine.  If you are staying I'm going to put you to work.  Go in the other room and grab two pairs of sweatpants and sweatshirts for you and Noh.  We need to get him dry, warm, and fed."

When Arthit just stood there blinking Nan patted his cheek and pointed, "Go!"

Right!  Arthit did as he was told quickly changing his clothes and bringing back the other set for Noh.  Then he helped Nan get Noh dressed, his hair dry, and tucked into bed.

"Sit with him while I go get us all something to eat.  Have to take care of my boys."

Arthit took a seat next to the bed as Nan left the room.  It was weird seeing the freshman so quiet, and still.  He was used to Noh and his loudmouth after all these months.  Arthit had gotten flashes of when he had Noh tossed in the lake back when he was pledging, but back then Noh was spittin mad.  Arthit didn't think he would ever get the crazed look Noh had on his face as he walked into that pond out of his mind.  Noh had never been his favorite person, but he didn't want anything bad happening to him.


Noh's eyes were fluttering awake.  His body and head hurt, bad.  Where was he and why did that seem like the question of the day?

"Noh, Noh? Can you hear me?"

Focusing on the voice Noh came fully awake.  "Arthit?"

"How do you feel?"

"Like I've been run over by a mack truck," Noh groaned.

"That's because, my boy, you are fighting a fever and then decided to take a swim!  How silly are you?" Nan scolded coming in with bags of food.

Noh closed his eyes and sighed deeply.  Right.  He tried drowning himself to go home.  Guess that didn't work.

"Here, Arthit.  Feed him some soup and then both of you boys need to rest.  No more jumping in the pond, Noh.  Take your medicine," Nan instructed.

"Yes, ma'am."

Arthit took out the to go container of chicken soup and added a few crackers to it.  Setting it aside to cool for a minute he helped Noh sit up.

"Do you know who I am?" Arhit asked carefully feeding Noh a small spoonful of soup.

"Yes, you evil head hazer.  How the hell did we get here?  Better yet, where the hell are we?" When Arthit didn't look at at him as if he had lost his mind like everyone else in this damn place, it dawned on Noh that this might really be his evil head hazer, Arthit. "It is you, isn't it? You're not some messed up doppleganger from wherever the hell this is?"

"It's really me. As for where we are, Wobniar Academy.  It's a high school boarding school.  I think something happened when we fell down that damn cellar."

Noh rolled his eyes. "You are telling me that we are Alice, but instead of waking up in Wonderland we have found ourselves in an alternate Wobniar?!"

Arthit shrugged, "I guess.  We haven't traveled through time.  It's still 2017.  This is just a different reality."

"You don't say.  Our boyfriends are dating each other!" Noh shouted which made him cough.

"I realize.  Calm down and drink this," Arthit gave him a Sprite to sip on.  "Technically this Phun and Kong aren't ours."

"Yeah, well doesn't hurt any less when you see them making out," Noh whispered pushing the soup away.

"You need to eat more, Noh.  We haven't eaten since dinner yesterday, I guess."

"How do we get home?" Noh asked ignoring the food.  He wanted to go home.

"Drowning yourself wasn't the answer!" Arthit growled. Noh looked at him in surprise.  "Don't do that again."

Noh stared at Arthit and saw the concern and fear in his eyes.  Nodding his head he silently promised he wouldn't try that again.  It was stupid anyway.

"We will try something else, but until then I guess we need to figure out who this reality's Arthit and Noh are and live their lives. Understood?"

"Yes, Arthit."

"Good, now get some rest.  I'm going to go find my room.  I'll meet you here in the morning."

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