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First, there was only white. I couldn't feel anything, but I knew I was there. I knew my transparent feet were on the ground, but I couldn't really tell there was ground. My mind felt somehow weak, and I could hardly see the outline of my feet.

Then, there was a sound like a jet breaking the sonic barrier. It echoed in my brain and rocked me on my feet, and shattered the world around me. The white fell away like broken glass, splintering and cracking before it fell and vanished.

Where the white had once been was chaos. All around me was fire and explosions and stars in space. Directly in front of me I could see the earth, and it seemed as though it had been hit by a meteor.

No, wait, that wasn't the earth. It was... Something else. The continents weren't all the same, but it looked like it could've been a prehistoric Earth. There was a huge explosion on the north and south poles. On the upper half of Old Earth, there was blue and heavenly light that seemed to be lit ablaze. On the lower half, there was red and orange fires and chunks of the planet flying everywhere.

I took a step forward and everything tunneled until I was looking at a tiny version of what I'd just seen. The little Old Earth spun on its axis ever so slowly, the two explosions at the poles continuing to cause destruction and the huge crater on the side blowing off chunks of the planet.

One of the little chunks touched me and I jumped. That time, I felt something, like an electric shock.

Curiously I reached out to the floating little planet. Another piece touched me and this time it hurt and seemed to weaken me, then the piece flew back to where it came from and reattached itself.

My arm reached out and I touched more of the pieces. I'd lost control of my body. It was like I was a puppet with somebody else pulling the strings. With every piece I touched, the earth began to reassemble and the explosions lessened. And with every repair to the tiny planet, I was becoming weaker and weaker.

Finally, I reached out for the last piece. When my nearly invisible fingertips brushed against it, I found myself rushing forward and being sucked into it.

I hovered in front of a little girl, no more than two, my finger on her forehead. Her pretty blue eyes were staring right at me.

"Eve," she whispered.

It was then that I knew. The piece that was left of me had to live in a body with this little girl, had to instruct her in rebuilding the world. And when the time came, I would be taken out and used to permenantely repair the holes Gabriel had created.

I smiled gently, pressed my palm to her forehead, and my world went black.

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