As soon as the clock turned 12:00pm they were out of the house and Kali was on the back of mikes bike with him upfront. They were petaling full speed toward Denfield, elevens house. Kali was still oblivious to the destination but she was enjoying the breeze and the view of the woods, even though it was bringing back memories. in a few minutes she arrived at the wood near  elevens house. Mike knew hopper would be working so eleven would be home alone.

"we have to walk from here" mike said calmly beginning to walk navigating

"ok but where are we going?" Kali questioned following right behind mike. Mike stopped for a second and turned around to face kali.

"You'll have to see when we get there!" Mike said smirking mysteriously. Kali smiled. mike turned back around and continued moving. Soon enough mike stepped over something Kali didn't see. Before Kali could take another step,
Mike screamed

"WAIT DONT TAKE ANOTHER STEP!" Kali froze. Mike reached over the invisible wire and grabbed her waist.

"What are you doing?" Kali asked worriedly with wide eyes. He lifted her over the wire and she landed gracefully.

"There's a clear wire" he turns and points at the cabin that's now in view, "it's a trap and it would set off an alarm and scare her" mike said. He also pulled her up a bit so that she wouldn't step back and accidentally set it off.

"She?! AHHH IS IT JANE?!" Kali asked excitedly. Mike was a little confused but then it clicked.

"OHH yeah!" Mike said happily.

"Yayyyy!" Kali squealed she began to run to the nearby cabin. Mike laughed and walked to the cabin avoiding branches and leaves. Kali waited for mike on elevens porch. When mike arrived at the porch he did the secret knock eleven knew to answer to and almost admittedly the locks opened and the door creaked open. Mike walked in and Kali followed. Before they would be in view of Jane aka eleven out his pointer finger over his mouth telling her to be quiet and then whispered for her to 'stay there' wanting her presence to be a surprise. Mike walked forward behind the couch and hugged her.

"Hey babe!" Mike said smoothly

"Hey!" El said excitedly. She turned around and gave him a tight hug. She buried her face in the crevice of his shoulder and his head. He softly signaled Kali to come out of hiding so she did.

"Boo!" El jumped and turned around to see Kali with her arms out wide.

"Sister!" El quickly exclaimed. She jumped off the couch and ran to her. She jumped into her arms and gave her a tight hug. She eventually pulled away. They all just had fun hanging out for a while but then a idea surfaced.

"Do you think if we go to the void with a picture of each other  we could see each other?" Kali asks curiously and elevens eyes widen with curiosity.

"No, no, no, not happening on my watch, especially when this weirdness is going on" mike said cautiously with a hint of nervousness.

"Please?" Eleven begged and Kali looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Fine!" Mike gave in after several moments of silence. "But if it doesn't work on the first time you come right back!"  He said nervously.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Eleven said excitedly. She kissed his cheek and Kali quietly whispered 'thank you' and he shook his head. Eleven ran to get two blind folds and Kali ran to the kitchen to find photos of the two of them. Once everything was situated and ready the two girls turned on the TV to static and slid he blindfolds over their eyes.

"Please be careful!" Mike said fearfully

"We will" they said simultaneously and the two clutched the photos to their chest. Everything was going perfect and they were talking to eachother in there mind, and the gold locket comes past mike from the kitchen and and floats above the two girls head . Eleven gasps two shadow like things fly through the open window and grabs on  and lifts the girls like they were weightless. the floating necklace falls as the girls scream and windows shatter.  Next thing you know they are out the window with the necklace and shadows and the only presence left in the room was mikes and the broken glass that surround him.

I don't even know 😂 just tell me your thoughts like usual 💓💓

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I don't even know 😂 just tell me your thoughts like usual 💓💓

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