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*in the upside down with eleven and kali 3 hours later*

"W-where are we?" Eleven said as she slowly woke up. She attempted to pull herself up off the ground she was laying on but soon found out she was restricted by slimey ropes that moved and slithered upon her now tattered clothing and exposed skin. Eleven began to struggle but the more she kicked,pulled, and twisted, the vines got tighter.

"Don't bother. Nothing works. You have to wait for raven to come back." A ominous voice said to Eleven. The person who eleven assumed was a girl was standing in her blind spot but quickly came into view when she saw el's panicked face. "Don't worry, I'm Sarah....I'm like you." She has blonde hair and brown eyes, her hair about the length of her mid back. She pushed over a few strands of her also shredded shirt to show a faded number tattoo.003 . The same one imprinted in the vines.

"Y-y-you have p-p-0wers?" El was nervous she Hadn't realized there were others who had escaped. The girl who name is supposedly Sarah, shook her head. She looked a little older than eleven but only by a year or two.

"Time related. Can do several things. Freeze time. Time travel. Change the future or past. Things like that." El gasped in amazement she thought having that power must be awesome. "I escaped two years ago when I was 14, when a monster called the demogorgan was released accidentally. I will forever be grateful for whoever released it. They saved me from that asshole Brenner." Elevens face flushed and smiled slightly knowing she saved a life and not just ruined others. She about to speak up when the thought of other numbers came to mind. She began to scream when she remembered what she had forgot about.

"008? WHERES KALI?!" She panicked and began tugging on the vines holding her down.

"CALM DOWN YOUR GOING TO MAKE IT WORSE." The 16 year old girl screamed in alarm. She quickly stopped but her breathing still was fast and unsteady. "Breathe! She just went out with 024! The device we used to free her when she woke broke so they went to scrounge around for something else for you! Just breath. In. And out. Slow. In. And out." She was able to calm and sooth elevens breathing. "She woke up before you, you hit your head pretty hard when you fell into the chamber."

"O-oh, s-sorry" Eleven said embarrassed for her sudden out burst. Sarah seemed so nice and she freaked. She was about to say say something else but she was interrupted by two body's falling to the floor and in lightning speed jump up before the vines can attach themselves. "Kali?!" Eleven said cheerfully with a hint of nervousness. The purple haired girl responded with a giggle.

"Yep it's me. Sorry to worry you." Kalis thick Chicago accent was evident when she spoke to the girl stuck to the the floor. Jane turned her head to the left to see her sister and a girl she assumed was 024 or Raven as Sarah had called her before. Raven has black hair in a long braid and green eyes, which had both popped against her fair skin. She was holding a long plank of wood sharpened to a point.

"Watch out" the girl said and began to hit the vines. Eventually they began to hiss and they were loose enough for her to squeeze out of.

"Thank you" Jane said as she pulled herself off the floor, Raven slightly smiled.

"What's your number,name, and power?" Sarah asked sweetly. El looked over to kali in precaution and she just nodded slightly giving her the right away to speak.

"I'm 011 my real name is Jane Ives but I prefer eleven or el for short," the nick name brought back short lived memories of mike but she continued to introduce herself. "I have telekinesis and telepathy" the two girls shook there heads. Now that she was off the ground she was able to get a clearer look at the two girls and weirdly she thought Sarah looked a lot like hopper. But she shook it off thinking she was just crazy. The thought of hopper made her mind drift back to mike while the group stood in silence each in their own heads. Mike, the snowball, her locket. She reached around to her neck to feel nothing but flesh. WHERES THE LOCKET? she thought to herself. She began to frantically search her neck and pockets. "KALI!" Her eyes turn up to meet kalis widen eyes. "WHERES MY LOCKET?!" She just looked back frozen in fear.

"El it's ok I have it here." The blonde girl took it out of her pocket to show case the golden heart on a chain. The tears of sadness and fear that were about to pour out of elevens eyes we quickly filled with relief and joy. "Thank you" el cupped her hand and moved it towards the necklace hanging from the girls fingers, she dropped it into her palm and eleven quickly put it on. She felt right again with the familiar weight of the beautiful charm restored on her neck.

"Once again, thanks" el said awkwardly. Another few seconds of silence passed, she stared at Sarah, she could swear she looked like hopper a little and then it clicked. Sarah. Sarah was hoppers daughters name. "Can I ask you a question?" El asked, Sarah's head turned back to eleven,eyes locking. "What's your last name?"

"Hopper. Why?" Elevens eyes widened and she looked to kali who had the same shocked expression on her face. El turned back to Sarah who's confused expression gave off that she was trying to make some sense of what's happening.

"You and I.....were family" el said calmly with a small smile forming on her face as she said so.

Hey guys I have several things to discus with you all

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Hey guys I have several things to discus with you all


2. Longest chapter yet 1,006 words whoop whoop

3. And lastly I have three covers I want you to comment which one is your favorite.

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