Imperfect Two? Skynadian/Jeromelox FF

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Adam's P.O.V.

Today was the best day ever. Mitch finally asked me out! Yes, Mitchell Hughes. Sorry Merome and Skylox shippers, but the Skynadian U.S.S has sailed!

Ty's P.O.V

Yes! Jerome asked me out! Yup, Jerome Aceti. I know Jeromelox isn't the best ship, but we're the perfect two. Move away Skylox and Merome shippers, the U.S.S Jeromelox has sailed and is not sinking!

Mitch's P.O.V.

Adam is so perfect. His eyes are captivating, his hair is majestic, and his personality makes him a triple package. Of course I'm going to ask him out. If he didn't have Alesa for a while, this ship would've sailed a long time ago.

Jerome's P.O.V.

Thank the Gods Jocelyn broke up with Ty and Louise called it off. I knew Ty was bisexual, so I took a risk to ask Ty out. He said yes, and I am officially the happiest person in the universe. We finally have tickets for two aboard the U.S.S. Jeromelox!

3rd Person P.O.V

These couples have been dating for two years, but what happens when they are each called the imperfect two?

Yeah, I know I said I would have a different story coming out but that got ruined. Deal with this. I'll upload soon enough. Stay strong, and see you on the other side. -ABK

Imperfect Two? Skynadian/Jeromelox FFWhere stories live. Discover now