Author Note

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Hello reader,

Before you start reading Mercury (The Pendulum Arts #1), I wanted to tell you a little bit about the project. First, and most importantly, this is the unedited draft version of the story. I'm posting this as I write it, partially as a writing exercise and partially as an experiment. As I'm new to Wattpad, I would like to see how readers respond to this story as it develops (and in general). So, you should expect to see a number of errors I missed when proofreading the chapters myself -- and feel free to point them out to me; I will fix them ASAP -- because this is an in-the-moment work and NOT a finished draft of the story.

Secondly, I intend to make this story free for download on most major ebook retailers sometime in the future (once I complete the final draft of the project, whenever that may be). Thus, I will appreciate any and all feedback on the story, including your opinion of the characters, world-building, plot, etc. I am open to any constructive criticism -- in fact, I'm looking forward to incorporating feedback gained from Wattpad readers into the final draft of Mercury.

Finally, I would like you to know that I am (surprisingly enough) a published author with a debut novel out and about on most major retailers. If you decide you like Mercury and want to read more of my longer sci-fi work, please check out Echoes, my debut novel, at My second novel, Othella, will be out in late June. My third, Rivet Town, is tenatively scheduled for late fall.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading Mercury. (If not, don't be shy: tell me why. All feedback is appreciated.) This is my first major project on Wattpad, and I'm looking forward to your responses.


Therin Knite


Cover Info

Cover Design by Therin Knite

Cover Image by

Cover Image licensed under

Some modifications were made to the cover image for use in this non-commercial project.

Mercury (The Pendulum Arts #1)Where stories live. Discover now