My School

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*7 years old*

       Well, it was time for school! I was so excited! I LOVED school! Unlike most other kids, I actually wanted to go and never gave a tantrum to anything. For some reason, the other students would find me weird and not understand why I didn't do anything and everything to not go to school. But why would I? It's the place I can be with my friends and find out about more things. I'd have one or two bullies, but with my friends by my side, they can't affect me. I know my friends would never betray me. We promised to be there for each other anytime we need to! They know that anything my bullies will say is fake. After all, their bullies are my bullies and my bullies are their bullies. We're the same mammal in different bodies. It's not like you'd betray yourself, right? The school bus got to our stop and I waved my mom bye as Nick and I hopped on to the bus and took our seats. Nick would usually play on his phone while I'd just doze off until he'd wake me up. After we arrived, I went into my classroom and Nick went to his. We were in the same grade but had different classrooms so we couldn't be with each other. I found my best friend Lorine Clawfur, who is a brown weasel, sitting at her desk and I walked over to her. "Hi, Lorine!", I said excitedly. "Hello, Casey. How are you?", she said. "I feel great!", I shouted and took my seat which was next to her. "And I feel tired.", she responded. During lunch, Lorine and I walked over to the table and started eating. We finished quickly and joined the other kids outside. It was a really nice and warm sunny day, today. I loved the daytime and the sun. It gave me a lot of reasons to love it! The daytime isn't scary, it's fun and beautiful! It also doesn't have any monsters in it and the light makes you feel comfortable. If I had the choice, I'd even sleep in daylight over the night since I'm scared something will hurt me since it can hide in the dark shadows. "Casey wanna go on the swings?", Lorine asked me. "Sure!". We walked over and were about to go on but I suddenly felt real...dizzy. I didn't know why but it felt like I just spun 100 times. It felt so weird. I grabbed my head and tried to shake off the pain. "Are you okay?", Lorine asked. "I-I'm fine.", I lied. But just then I started coughing and felt something come out of my mouth. Lorine screamed when she saw it. That grabbed the attention of the whole playground since it was really loud. I felt the tip of my mouth and felt liquid stuff there. I assumed it was my spit, but when I looked at my paw, I saw it. My fur may be red, but I can tell when it's too red. There was blood on my paw. I was coughing out blood. My head felt worse and worse and I shut my eyes and screamed in pain and somehow let out a...growl?! I went to the ground, but I didn't felt more like I chose to go. But I didn't. It was like something was controlling my body. I went on all fours and felt my body separate from me. It was like it had a mind of its own. I growled even lower and louder not able to control it. I went to pounce position and lept toward a leopard. I growled and pinned him down. I didn't know what I was doing or why. I tried to stop but I couldn't. The teachers quickly came over before I could hurt someone, and I think I scratched one of the teachers. The police came, too and muzzled me! They were pulling and pulling and since they were much stronger than me, they were able to control my fighting body. I was scared to the core wondering what would happen to me. They locked me in a small cage and took me into a van and as I left, I looked down at a puddle of water on the ground and noticed something. My eyes weren't blue. They were...yellow...

Author: Welp, took me dis long but here's another chapter peeps :D And this is actually the first time Casey saw her savage powers. They were always in her, but never took control until now. Anyway, hope ya liked dis one peeps. Cya! Author Out! *dabs*

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