I'm a...monster

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*the next day*

"I...what?", I asked my mom. I had just come back from the hospital which is where the police took me. My mom was explaining to me and Nick what the doctor told her. "You have an incomplete development.", mom responded quietly. This felt weird and had me worried. Usually, whenever mom would talk in a really quiet voice it would mean something is wrong and is bothering her. "What does that mean?", Nick asked. "I-It means Casey has a little problem with her. You see, babies need to develop in the mom's stomach. Remember our old neighbor? The one that'd always let you guys talk to the baby inside her tummy? Well, when your sister was in my tummy, she didn't fully finish developing and is a little bit uncivilized...", she answered him. "Uncivilized? What does that mean?", I asked her. I was a little scared to know about this but I knew it wouldn't affect my life much since my friends wouldn't mind and no one in school would either. They probably already forgot what happened. "It means you may turn savage at times, Casey. You're partly a wild animal, the ones before everyone acted the way we are. You may try to pounce on others without controlling it. It may go so far that you'd kill a mammal-"
"Kill!?", I yelled in shock. What did mom mean by kill? I'm not a murderer! I'd never do that! "It'll be unconsciously, Casey. You won't be able to control it now, BUT you can still learn slowly. The doctor also said that you might have very short temper for a while but that can be controlled, too if you learn how to. But sometimes at night, you may turn into a wild animal. Completely wild...like from the stone age.". What? "Well I-I guess it's no problem. I'll still have you guys and dad and all my friends with me so what's the big deal about changing a tiny bit?", I told her to try to make her feel better. Though I was also saying it to make me feel better, too. "Casey...the world isn't what it seems...", she said in a quiet voice. What did mean by that? "Just...be careful about who you trust.", she warned. "I will Mommy!".
"Even if you're a little different, you still seem the same to me Casey!", Nick said as he hugged me. "Thanks Nicky.", I said. I giggled and ruffled his fur.

*tomorrow at school*

"Lorine!", I yelled as I saw my best friend. She stared at me and didn't say anything. She looked scared. Strange. "How are yo-"
"STAY BACK!", she yelled at me. Why was she acting like this? "Lorine? Are you okay?"
"DON'T HURT ME! P-PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!". She started stepping back while holding out her paw to stop me from coming too close to her. "W-what?", I asked. I was so confused. This isn't anything like Lorine. She would never act this way before. "I-if you don't hurt me, I won't hurt you! J-just stay back! I command you to stay back!", she kept on telling me. "Lorine I'm not some sort of savage that I'd listen to you command me!", I snapped at her. "Y-yes you are! You're one of them! I-I don't know you! Just stay back!", she said. Then she turned and ran away. I tried not to cry. Maybe it was just Lorine who'd act like this. Maybe all my other friends forgot. I suddenly felt something against my back as I fell. The floor was so hard and I turned around to see who pushed me. I couldn't believe it. It was...Milly.
       Milly Spots was another one of my friends and was two years older than us. She'd act like an older sibling and always do anything to protect me and my friends, even if it got physical. Why was she hurting me? "Milly? What was that for?", I asked. "Stop harassing Lorine, you stupid creature! Leave her alone!", she yelled at me. I looked at her really scared. I never knew how frightening she could look. "Stay away from us you thing! You almost killed that kid the other day! You are NOT killing any of my friends for your stupid food!". "Milly...wasn't I your friend?".
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! A MONSTER LIKE YOU CAN NEVER BE MY FRIEND! STAY AWAY FROM US!", she screamed at me and punched me in the stomach. I screamed in pain. I never got into a fight before so I wasn't used to being hurt and I wasn't that strong either. She pulled me up by my shirt's collar and punched me in the face. I didn't know what to do. The hits kept on coming. I was so confused and heartbroken why she'd do this. I started to feel myself losing control and growling again. Oh no. Mom told me I need to calm down every time I growl or do anything else out of the ordinary. But that was hard when someone kept hitting you. Luckily, someone stepped in front of me.
       I didn't know him and he looked older than me, probably Milly's age. He was a bunny but was surprisingly taller than Milly even though she was a corsac fox. She's even taller than me so the bunny was obviously taller than me. "Milly stop it!", he said. "Why?! It's gonna hurt us!", Milly protested. "It? Don't you mean she?". At least the bunny still has common sense. "It-ugh SHE was what hurt that other kid yesterday! We need to make sure it or she or whatever you wanna call it is scared enough to not do that again!". "She's still a mammal! Leave her alone!", he yelled at her. Milly finally gave up and gave me one last glare before leaving. The bunny turned around and stepped towards me. He held out his paw to help me back up. I managed to get a closer look at him. He had really light grey fur with black tipped ears. There was a stripe on each ear and three stripes on each cheek. His eyes were a really light blue. I liked them for some reason. I took his paw after a while and he helped me back on my feet. "Are you okay?", he asked. "Y-yeah I'm fine.", I shyly said. I wasn't really someone who hated making friends, but I was really shy when meeting new mammals. He smiled at me and then started to leave. Before he left he warned me one last thing. The exact same thing my mom warned me last night. "The world is a cruel place. Be careful who you trust.". He walked away.

Author: YES FINALLY DONE AND YESH DAT WAZ JACKIBOI OVER DERE! And ik dis iz different from da format Ari recommended buh as Casey getz older she'll figure out better formatting and den BAM it's to da new one. And it'll come soon since she waz a fast learner in ELA XDDDD Anywho yep dis IZ canon cuz duh Casey's backstory book and...yea xdddd alright bai AUTHOR OUT! *dabs*

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