Chapter 2: 5 Years Later

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A crash resonated through the small house.  Henry is getting dressed for school. Even at the age of 5, he is taller then most kids his age.  He has shortdark brown hair and blue eyes that glimmer behind the slightly too big horn- rimmed glasses  that sit on his round but angled face.  Loud crashes have become routine at this point, where his father is drunk, he gets angry easily and takes his frustration out, beating on his mom, and at times him.  The young boy finishes packing his bag and quickly walks over to his bedroom door, grabbing the knob and turning it slowly as to not make a sound that would alert his father.  He did not want to go to school with more bruises then he already had.  

"Here we go..." He opens his door slowly and sneaks his way down the stairs, looking over at his parents arguing like they do every morning, sending a feeling of hate and pity through his entire being. 

He reaches the door, but not before he hears a loud, hard, slap followed by something hard hitting the floor.  He knows it's his mom and he slips out the door quickly, before his dad can turn to him. 

Henry runs down the sidewalk to the bus stop, just in time to catch the bus.  Placing his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath, the doors open and  before he gets on, he gives a quiet  'hello' to the driver. After taking the front seat, he brings his small hand up to adjust his large glasses. He turns to look out the bus window and knows today is already going to be a bad day.   

The bus comes to a stop as it reaches the school. Henry sees the old, one floor, red brick building.  The grass is well kept and a bright green, with a large oak tree at the center, its green leaves dancing in the spring breeze.  The warm sunlight chasing the last remaining shadows of night away.  Students chatting with friends as they head towards the front entrance.  Henry smiles at the pleasant sight before groaning as he remembers the not so pleasant people he has to deal with. Getting up and reluctantly walking off the bus, messenger bag across his shoulder, into the sunlight. He makes his way to the schools entrance weaving between the other students talking in the hall as he heads to his locker.  He reaches his locker and swiftly enters the combination,  grabbing the heavy textbooks he needs for his first few periods.  Before he can even turn his head away from his locker, he felt a heavy, fat hand push him  against his locker. Pinning him to the cold, metallic surface. The metal of the locker pressing against his face painfully.

"Hey loser, where's my money?" Dave, Henry's bully, pushes Henry harder causing him to squeak in pain as he looks up to see his bully grinning. 

"I don't have any money, and even if I did I wouldn't give it to someone as dumb as you..." Henry's expression fills with anger, as he  glares at the older kid. 

"I'd watch what I say if I were you little brat! Nobody likes a know it all." Dave laughs at this, walking away leaving Henry angry,  as he brushes himself off and takes a deep breath.

"I can't help that I'm smart... I didn't ask to be smart.." Henry whispers to himself, as he goes to class with his head down.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

The lunch bell rings as Henry packs his already over stuffed bag and heads to the bathroom to wash up before eating.  He turns on the water, the old pipes creaking as it flows out of the faucet.  The door opens and the sound of the lock turning echoes through the bathroom causing Henry to jump. He quickly turns the sink off to see the bully from earlier walk towards him chuckling darkly as he cracks his knuckles.  Henry slowly backs against the wall in fear as memories from the times his father had beaten him return.  Dave crept forward and threw a punch hitting Henry hard in the face.  Henry falls to the floor, the older kid kicks him in the stomach causing Henry to scream.  Due to the bruises that still haven't healed from the previous beatings by his dad, the pain is magnified to an unbearable level. Tears stream down his face  as the bully continues to kick him. 

"That should teach you not to mess with me BITCH..." The bully spits on Henry's bruised and trembling form, unlocking the bathroom door and leaving with a pleased smile on his face. 

Henry slowly sits up and sighs, grateful the day's almost over.  He grabs his bag and stands up careful not to irritate any of the new bruises more then they already are.  Henry slowly makes his way out of the bathroom and heads to the cafeteria, hoping to get something to eat before lunch ends. 

The final bell rings for the day and Henry goes to his locker one last time.  As he turns to leave he winces.  The injuries wouldn't be as much of a problem if they weren't continuously layered on top of old ones, making the new ones hurt twice as bad.  Walking out of the school and towards the bus, he sighs and wonders if anything will get better.  Climbing up the steps and taking his usual seat, Henry tries to relax while he can, knowing as soon as he gets home, he will most likely have more bruises to add to his ever growing collection that dominate his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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