Chapter 3

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Do you mind explaining the reason for your tasteless humor while I am trying to teach?" Mr. Sagnam snapped.
"Ummm." Kyron said sheepishly, he really didn’t have an answer because even he didn’t know what happened.
“Let off him Teach!  the n***a was having dream about getting laid." Ronnie yelled from the back of the classroom, "That's as close as he's gonna get to it anyways." He added.
The classroom shook with laughter.  Kyron got up and ran to his seat, if black people could blush, he’d be bright red.  He slumped in his desk like a defeated fat man and buried his head between his arms wanting to disappear so bad it was ridiculous. 
Dude, I can't believe I just did  that , he despaired ,  you mean to tell me all that was just a dream?  The creature, the voices talking to him, was it all fake?  Out the corner of his eye he caught Nicole and Samantha smiling in his direction while manicured fingernails covered their hushed tones.
He groaned. It’s bad enough she knows I'm a punk, now she knows I'm a freak too.
Over the chicken coop of guffaws and giggles Mr. Sagnam struggled to regain control of his lecture.
"Alright class, alright, it was funny but not that funny."
“It wasn't that funny because you ain't getting none either!" Ronnie roared like a NBA sports announcer, a gust of guffaws swept through the class again.  Finally silence came and Mr. Sagnam began his boring lesson again (it wasn't like anybody was listening before) .  For the rest of class Devon, Marcus and Ronnie sat in the corner grinning at Kyron like sadistic black Chuckie dolls. Kyron knew their eyes were on him, more than likely an ass whooping was brewing for him, but he was still thinking about his too surreal daydream.

He peeked from beneath his arms at the window sill one more time, wondering if the furry apparition would show up again, holding another golden acorn that could take him to the beautiful city. Nothing, no matter how many times he blinked his eyes over again the little ferret was gone, returned back to his fairy tale land of where probably more anthromorphic animals roamed.
...DINGG!  The class bell rung and the first round of torment by lecture had ended, only five more to go. 
Was I just daydreaming? Kyron thought as he hurriedly stuffed his notebook and geography textbook back in his backpack.  I could have sworn I saw that
thing, and the music, it felt so real.  And the ruby roses, sapphire orbs and burgundy stones of the city’s streets, the towers of willy wonka wrapper gold, he had many a pretty dream in his sixteen years of life, but his imagination couldn’t come close to conceiving such architecture in any reality.
“Ay bruh, I think it's time to collect." Marcus said.
  Kyron's blood froze and his heart started beating fast. 
“Yeah i think so to, cuz this n***a  aint  pay in a while. “ Devon said slyly.
Kyron turned around and saw the three hoodlums were spread out in the classroom walking towards him, cracking their knuckles and hikin up their pants.  Devon and his click charged kids they didn't like (and rumor had it a few janitors) , a “F**k Ni***a Fee”, for going to the same school that they went too, usually about 50$ a week per person. Since Kyron never had any money, he just always got beat up.
“Come on man, you guys know I don’t have anything, just let me be." Kyron pleaded with his hands raised in front of him.
"Oh this nigga aint got our dough?! Oh yeah bruh, I think it is definitely about that time." Marcus replied and cracked his knuckles.
  Without a second thought of the dream, Nicole or anything else Kyron slung the backpack over his shoulder and dashed to the door, he got stuck trying to push past the students that instead of moving, blocked his way because they were eager to see a fight.
Devon slugged Kyron in the cheek, the punches force  sent him sprawling to the ground in pain. As soon as his body hit the cold tile, a wild assault of kicks, punches and even textbooks came at him from all angles.  He cried painfully and tried to cover his face from the Jordans, Yeezys and Vans covered feet  that kicked him  .

WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY EVER HELP ME? he thought desperately, (note that Sagnam watched the whole thing unfold but just shook his head like he didn't see anything )
Everybody else that was still in the classroom, guffawed with laughter, Some cheering on the fighters, others recording the scene and yelling out " Worldstar!"

Devon stomped Kyron in the forehead one more time and the deed was done.  The four boys picked up their backpacks and stepped over him ( Marcus making sure his heavy timberland boot  landed on his fingers) and left the classroom all smiling in pride like they had just won a award. 

Miserable and beaten, Kyron rose to his knees grabbed his backpack, brushing the dirt off it before slinging it over his shoulder and walked out of the classroom .What other reaction could he have?  The beating he got today was the same one that waited for him on the hour, every hour.   He turned to Mr. Sagnam who sat at his desk sorting papers with false interest.   “You could have done something, or at least try to act like you cared.” Kyron said bitterly and walked out the classroom.   He rubbed his left hand as he walked down the hallway, achingly sore from Marcus’s boot and felt something metal brush his fingers.  “What the heck?” He frowned and raised his hand to his eyes, then yelped in shock.
"That's.  That’s impossible! “On his left middle finger was a ring, the same ring he had worn in the daydream.  The red jewel in the center of the golden band flickered and cast a light to Kyron’s eyes. We wait for you sire.  The voices he heard in the daydream sung.  Our realm has lost its King, till eternity we wait for you.

update every Thursday!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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