Home for Christmas

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It was actually a few days after boxing day when you got the call; and even though Christmas was over, knowing the love of your life was finally coming home from one of the most dangerous wars ever fought in the history of the universe was the greatest gift you could ever receive from whatever higher power.

Peter had been gone for a year, officially last November, but because of some complicated things you both couldn't speak to you, and you couldnt speak to him. You were left alone to your own thoughts, and in doing so you began to prepare for the worst possible situation. Peter is a teenager fighting some big purple alien dude, and even though he has Tony Stark looking out for him he couldn't guarantee his saftey to you. Thats what made Peter not coming home more imminant than it really was.

But by whatever means of luck, or fate, or whatever else could have helped you both through this difficult year you managed to pull through, Peter's plane was going to land in a few hours, and you were certainly going to be there for him when it did. You booked a taxi and agreed to meet May at the entrance to his terminal, and she called Ned to get him over as well. You three waited for hours, but as it turns out the flight was delayed due to weather. You were extreamly nervous and decided to go to the rest room to:

A) throw up

B) take a pee

C) all of the above

You left them with a promise to be back ASAP, but in all honesty you didn't know how long it would take to get yourself composed enough to handle sitting there and waiting anymore.


Despite going through so much, and losing people that meant so much to him, Peter was happy to be home. Aunt May pulled awar from the hug as Ned had stepped over to greet his best friend, with a guy hug (which was just the bro chest bump, with the one arm around their shoulder and tapping their backs with their hands and doing their handshake. Dudes have weird rituals).

Peter was talking with them both, immediately letting them know how much he missed them, and how good it felt to be home at long last. You just got back from the washroom, with a bag of pastries in hand (you saw a Starbucks on the way back, and thought everyone could use a little breakfast). Once your eyes caught on Peter your feet stopped moving, and it felt like you suddenly lost any sort of control over your motar skills. The nerves were setting in again and your stomach started doing flips, just like it did when you would catch Peter staring at you in Spanish, or when he invited you to a free sandwich at Delmar's, or when he told you he was Spider-Man and held your hand, interlocking your fingers perfectly with his so you would think they were puzzle pieces as you were walking home from school and when he kissed you for the first time, and when he kissed you before he left. You dropped the paper bags when he glanced over at you at first, and started tearing when he took a double take.

You didn't know why and you wanted to stop. You hated the fact that you were getting so emotional so easily, and you could start to feel the gazes you were getting from the other Avengers as they started to watch Peter greet people that came for him. A lot of them don't really have families like the one Peter has, because the have grown to be like that for eachother.

He waited so long to finally be able to be welcomed by his loved ones, but (Y/N) was someone so different. He loved her, and he still did. He knew from the start she was someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and after having that plan put through so much with the war that feeling in his gut and at the back of his mind never felt more sure.

But now that was over, she was standing infront of him. You were standing right infront of him, and for the first time in more than a year his heart fluttered like it only would with only you. He took a step forward, slowly, just wanting to make sure the moment was real, and then he took another step, and another, and another, and before he knew it he broke into a run, swooping you into his arms and spinning you around so much you both felt a little dizzy afterwards.

You held onto him for dear life as he started planting little pecking kisses all over your head, face and hands. He didn't mind in the slightest that your eyes were red and puffy or the fact that your cheeks were wet and tasted slightly salty. He began to cry as he squeezed you close to him and cried soflty into your shoulder as you did in his. Soft 'I love yous' and 'I'm sorrys" were exhanged between the two of you, too quiet for anyone else to hear. Peter looked at you with a look of pure love, which was something he wanted to do for a long time, and as if no time had passed at all you guys kissed. It wasn't long like in some cheap soap opera, but it was passionate, and you could hear Thor from somewhere in the room call out, "Well done Little-Spider, you have become a man!" Which made you laugh a little more than it probably should.


"I'm gonna ask him to change it."

"Don't you dare."

In the midst of all of it, and hugging your boyfriend and just taking in the fact that he was here, here, you heard a faint clap from who you learned was Star Lord, and then Black Widow joined in, along with Falcon and Thor and soon the whole room erupted in applause. Even May and Ned joined, both teary eyed and emotional as well.

You smiled at them, grateful that such wonderful people, a group of real-life super heroes treated your Peter this well, and brought him home alive. This could have gone many other ways, and you were so thankful that out of millions of possibilities you were living in one where your soulmate was alive and well and holding your hand as preciously as you held his.

Merry Christmas (Y/n) indeed.

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