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A Few Weeks Later...

Entreat me not to leave thee,

Or return from following after thee—

For whither thou goest, I will go,

And where thou lodgest, I will lodge.

Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.

Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried.

The Angel do so to me, and more also,

If aught but death part thee and me.

Parabatai oath

"I love parties!" Mia squealed, taking in the brightly decorated Los Angeles Institute.

Miri groaned. "You need to do something about the squealing. Seriously. I'm stuck with you for eternity now, and if you squeal one more time, I swear—"

"You're not immortal. So it's not for eternity. I'll squeal all I want," Mia cut in. Miri groaned again. Mia suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Cameron.

"Hey, Cam!" she exclaimed, giving him a hug. After the battle, Mia and Cam had mutually agreed that their relationship naturally didn't extend further than close friendship. Now, instead of being boyfriend-girlfriend, they were just close friends.

"Congratulations, Mia." Cam grinned and dropped a box into Mia's hands. "Here. Just a little... gift." Mia's eyes widened.

"Can I open it now?" Cam nodded. Mia tore off the lid and peered inside of the box. Miri came up from behind and stared into it over Mia's shoulder.

"I'd like to see too. If you put a grenade in a box for my parabatai..." Miri trailed off as Mia squealed. "Again with the squealing!"

"Cameron, I love it! You didn't have to!" Mia set the box on a nearby table and gave Cam another hug. Inside the box, there'd been what seemed like a billion cookie cutters, a cute pink apron, and a three speed hand mixer.

"You know he only gave you that to get more baked goods. It's a win-win for him. But I don't mind eating more stuff. So get baking." Miri grinned at Mia. Cam didn't even bother arguing with Miri since everyone wanted more of Mia's baking.

"Where's my gift, Carrots?" Miri joked. Cam smirked and pulled another package from his pocket. It was scrunched and soft looking. Miri gaped, then grabbed it and tore off the paper. Inside was... well, Mia didn't know what it was but apparently Miri did. Miri burst out laughing and put the object on her head. It was a hat!

"Why does it have two fronts?" Mia asked, frowning. Miri laughed again.

"It's the deerstalker hat! Thanks, Carrots! I underestimated you!" Miri beamed. "I am not hugging you though, if that's what you're thinking." Cam patted Miralye's shoulder.

"I wouldn't expect you to."

Ever since the incident a few weeks prior, everyone had been trying to forget it. Emma was a little shaken and Mathias still had bandages and a black eye, but for the most part everyone seemed okay. Jonathan and Miri had taken to wandering the streets of LA and exploring the various beaches available. Katelyn Markwood had taken a permanent room in the Los Angeles Institute and covered it in Italian boy band posters and patterned sweaters. Mia's parents were a little put out that they'd been oblivious to most of the situation, but for the most part they were just glad their children were okay.

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