I Sold My Soul For A Dollar Twenty-Five: Introduction

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Hey this is a new story, loosely based on a true event in which a guy I knew sold his soul to a girl for $1.25. It's going to be a light, comedy and romance. Tell me what you think! Should I continue it?

My name's Cooper Derring, and I'm a senior at Canyon Creek High. This is the story of the stupidest, most idiotic thing that I have ever done in my life. Yeah, you can see by the title what I did. I sold my soul to the hottest, most amazing girl at school for $1.25. And it was probably the best thing that ever happened to me.

It all started on July fourth. A bunch of us got together and went to the beach to chill and later watch fireworks.


My head broke the surface of the water and I shook my head like a dog to free the worst of the water. Somehow I had managed to stay near my surfboard. I clambered on, then looked around for my friends.

"Yo, Coop!"

That would be Garrett. We've been best buds since first grade, but somehow his personality had never changed. And he kicked my ass at surfing.

"Hey you wiped out too?" I yelled at him.

"Hell yes, but it was after you!"

"Yo dudes!" My other best buddy, Seth. He was a year younger then us, becoming a junior next year. "Let's go back to the beach! I wanna get a soda!"

Agreeing quickly since we had been out for nearly an hour, we paddled back to the shore where more of our friends were chilling out. And by "friends", I mean girls. The guys were in the water or playing sports.

We were wading through the shadows when Garrett groaned. "Look at that ass. Why doesn't that chick have a boyfriend? I'd volunteer."

We followed his gaze. Nicole Davis, the hottest girl at Canyon Creek. Gorgeous, rich, smart, friendly, was there nothing she did perfectly? Hell, she even ran a mile faster then I did!

But the one thing that she didn't have was a boyfriend. Since I met her in 6th grade, she had never had one. Sure, she flirted with guys, but her Facebook status remained "single". As Garrett said, "single and not ready to mingle".

Nikki had just sat down under the shade of an umbrella, talking to her best friend, Lily. And as much as Garret talked about Nikki's hotness, I knew that he really liked Lily better. And why not? She was a petite girl with brown eyes and hair that was an impossibly yellow shade of blonde. She was cute, but for me, Nikki won the contest.

She was at least 5'7", with long black hair that curled down to her waist and straightened sweeping bangs. Perfect body, of course. But the feature that always struck me was her electric blue eyes that were so expressive that I could drown in them.

"Yo dude," Garrett clapped a hand on my shoulder. "I know you have a thing for her. You don't have to get all sulky on us. And Seth can't surf for crap, so it's no fun racing him."

Luckily, Seth had already walked away to buy a soda.

"We're cool. I know you like Lily better, anyway."

Somehow, my friend's tanned and sunburned face got redder. He looked away. "Do not."


"She's hot, man. But I like Nicole better."

"I know you do," he mumbled.

We walked over to our towels. My little sister, who was fifteen, had blackmailed me into taking her beach towel. It was hot pink, with red and white hearts. And of course, the word "princess" across the top. I was so getting my revenge later.

Seth joined us. In his hand was an ice-cold Coke.

"Hey, let me have some of that." I reached for it.

"Hell no." He ran away from me. "Get your own."

I swore. "How much is it?"

"Dollar fifty."

I dug through the small bag I had brought. It matched the towel. And it also turned out that my sister had cleaned out my wallet too, leaving me a dollar. I dug through the change pouch. A quarter.

"Damn it!!" I roared, dumping out the bag.

"Hey dude, don't turn into a lion on us. That's not cool."

"My stupid, damn sister!" I rounded on him. "Tell me you have a quarter."

He held up his hands. "Naw dude, I'm broke."

Seth shook his head. "Spent the last on this."

"I need a quarter!"

"Is something...wrong?" Asked a shy, quiet voice.

Oh great. It was Sarah the NERD. I mean, who else would wear sunglasses over regular glasses?

"I can-"

"NO THANK YOU! Go the eff away!"

Wide eyed, she fled.

"Now, now Cooper. That wasn't nice."

Oh shit. I knew that slow, husky voice.

Gulping I turned around to face her. "Hey, Nikki."

Her eyes narrowed. "Don't 'Hey Nikki' me. You bastard, why'd you do that?"


I caught Garrett's eye. The look on his face said, "You've screwed up big time, dude."

"You what?" she demanded.

"I need a quarter?"

Her eyebrows lifted incredulously. "So why'd you yell at her?"

"Because...." Sarah's existence pisses me off? No. Nikki would definitely not like that excuse.

She shook her head. "You idiot. Why do you need a quarter?"

"To buy a soda. Do you have one?"

"WHAT?" She yelled. "You're asking ME?"

I stared at the sand. Nowhere in particular. Just not at her.

"You know what? I actually do have one." She stepped closer. "Why should I give it to you?"

"I promise to be nice to Sarah." The nerd.

"Sarah the nerd? Yeah, I can tell you are trying. So hard."

Whoops, had I said that out loud? Shiiiiiiit.

"How much money do you have with you?"

"A dollar twenty five."

"Tell you what." She smiled, and it wasn't exactly pleasant. But still sexy. "Do whatever I say and I'll buy it for you."


"Like sell you my soul for a dollar twenty five or something and you'll buy me the soda?"

She shrugged. "Something like that. You sell me your soul and I'll buy you a soda."

This was interesting...maybe something would come out of it. I wonder what her lips tasted like...

"Fine." I handed her the money.

"Good. I'll go buy you a Coke, and from now on you have to do what I say." She threw me a devious grin and sauntered off toward the vending machine.

And yes, I did watch her bikini-clad ass until I couldn't see it anymore.


I did get my soda, but right after, she made me say "I have sold my soul to Nicole Davis for one dollar and twenty five cents. Now I have to do whatever she tells me to do." on camera.

There was no way that I could have predicted what she would tell me to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2010 ⏰

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