
306 21 43

Finally I have time to do this 😂😂

Cilla_Qian1128 :
Since when did you like TFBOYS?

According to my diary pt1, it was since 30 November 2015 ;) what about you?

Dreamstar889  u find out about TFBOYS?

From a Korean Reaction to TFBOYS video on Youtube. And then I started to 'stalk' them and watch their MVs. Also search them on google and read articles about them. They are different, that's what I thought, they don't color they hairs and have this innocent aura.

Janice294_ :
Nugget or french fries? Both

Kpop or Cpop? BoTHHH

Jelly or pudding? BOTTHHH OMG

Are you an otaku? I was then.


What do you usually do in your free time? Doing my hobbies.

What do you like? Meaningful quotations and good books.

Favorite show? idk >u< maybe something like a singing contest 😂😂

Bias and fav group? Jackson, TFBOYS. My friend introduced me to KPOP since last year, so *cough* BTS, Gfriend, and Wannaone are good too.

Inspiration to write your books? From daily life and what I experienced.

What do you think about me? A sweet caring friend and an diligent girl.

Can you pick 2 water filled buckets at the same time? I can, I'm used to do hard works.

Delicious foods from Indonesia? THERE's A LOT; rendang, semur, gudeg, etc.

The best moment in your life? Every moment God has given me to experience.

Favorite foods? Kebab, takoyaki, gudeg, etc. I like to eat lol

Things you like and hate the most? Like : Book, Hate : Loneliness

Saddest moment? There's a lot of them that made me strong. And it's better to don't recall them 😆

Thanks for the questions. I summed some questions, okay?😂😂

OMGfangurlrightnow :
Would you like to be in my group of potatoes and chicken nuggets?

YEASSSSS. I'm a french fries, will you still take me?

Okkkkk that's all~

Btw has your holiday started yet?

Mine will start from Monday. I got around 2 weeks of holiday. Is there anyone who has more holiday??

just curious lol. I will sue my school if there is someone who get a month holiday.😣😣😣

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